Women's 24-Hour Interval Website Hacked !

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DENIAL OF SERVICE: HACKERS BROUGHT downward the International Women’s Day website yesterday.
Three dissever “denial-of-service” attacks were directed at the website, the organisers said.

“As the centenary of International Women’s Day struck inwards the Asia Pacific region, perpetrators commenced attacking the website inwards an explicit show to foreclose users from accessing the global hub for International Women’s Day,” a disceptation on the site said.

The site expected to a greater extent than than 100,000 visitors yesterday together with has late had nearly 25,000 users a day.

According to the women’s solar daytime organisers, the website was the target of “a massive 5 gigabytes per second” directed at the site inwards an show to foreclose “legitimate users” from accessing it.

Denial-of-service attacks usually ask bombarding the target amongst a huge set out of external requests inwards gild to foreclose the intended users gaining access.

“These type of attacks accept brought many leading websites some the basis to their knees,” said the women’s solar daytime organisers.
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