Encrypting File System (EFS) on Windows 10 explained

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The Encrypting File System or EFS Encryption is 1 of the components of the NTFS file system. It is available on a high attain of Windows operating systems. It is supported on Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000, together with Windows Server editions. There are other Cryptographic file systems available on other operating systems apart from Windows but Microsoft EFS is exclusive solely to the Windows Operating Systems. It uses symmetric telephone substitution encryption amongst a combination amongst world telephone substitution technology scientific discipline to protect files. The file information is together with hence encrypted amongst a symmetric algorithm called every bit DESX.

Encrypting File System (EFS)

 is 1 of the components of the NTFS file arrangement Encrypting File System (EFS) on Windows 10 explained

The telephone substitution used for these kinds of symmetric encryption is called as File Encryption Key (or FEK). This FEK is inwards render encrypted amongst a world or a mortal telephone substitution algorithm similar RSA together with stored amongst the file. The principal positive human face of using 2 unlike algorithms is that the speed of encrypting those files. And these growth inwards speeds of encrypting files helps the users to effectively encrypt large chunks of data. The speed of symmetric algorithms is virtually 1000x faster than that of the traditional asymmetric encryption techniques.

The procedure of EFS Encryption

The procedure is fairly elementary nonetheless secure.


The offset stride involves the file itself. Using the Symmetric Key (FEK) the file is encrypted. This is simply 1 human face of the sum encryption.

Now the Symmetric Key (FEK) is encrypted amongst a world telephone substitution for the user, together with the Encrypted FEK is stored inwards the Encrypted file’s header. As elementary every bit that.


Here, the contrary of encryption is done every bit the elevate suggests.

First of all, the Encrypted FEK from the Encrypted File’s Header is fetched together with decrypted using the Public Key.

Now, the decrypted FEK is used to decrypt the Encrypted file in conclusion together with and hence the file is made readable to the authorized user.

EFS vs. BitLocker encryption

BitLocker is approximately other technique of encrypting files on Windows simply similar EFS. This way that Windows provides 2 methods of encrypting files simply on Windows. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 user tin too encrypt a file twice yesteryear encrypting it offset amongst EFS together with and hence amongst BitLocker or vice versa. This characteristic makes it 2x to a greater extent than secure than usual.

BitLocker has an icon of slowing downwardly the estimator when used to encrypt files, but EFS is considered to hold upwards far to a greater extent than light-weight. But this departure is non seen much on modern hardware that is available together with used to a greater extent than often.

Summing up

EFS encryption encrypts files or folders 1 yesteryear one. Unlike BitLocker that encrypts them together. This too way that when a file is executed, together with Windows creates a temporary cache of that file, that temporary cache tin hold upwards used every bit a leak to the information together with unauthorized access tin hold upwards taken over yesteryear an unintended user. EFS industrial plant amongst NTFS only.

This does non hateful that a user should non hold upwards using EFS but what this actually way is that the user has a selection of encrypting files amongst a suitable algorithm depending upon what type of information that file stores inside it.

We volition inwards the adjacent few days, comprehend the next topics:

  1. How to encrypt files amongst EFS Encryption
  2. How to decrypt EFS Encrypted Files together with Folders
  3. How to back upwards your EFS encryption key.

Stay tuned!

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