Find out what Google knows about you

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Google search engine has been the most sought-after tool inwards the world, inwards fact for many; the Internet is synonymous alongside Google. That existence said, lately, in that location guide hold been concerns near the privacy as well as the agency personal information is used past times Google, as well as how Google tracks its users.  If you lot guide hold the interrogation What does Google know near me, as well as then this post volition state you lot what it knows near your Location, History, Preferences, etc., & exhibit you lot the ‘how to opt out’ settings.

What Google knows near you

You volition larn all or most of this information inwards your Google Dashboard.

1. Google Search History

No, this is non the search history that resides on your PC – instead, this is the i archived on the Google servers. It records each as well as every search you lot guide hold made as well as also the Google Ad you lot guide hold clicked.

Thankfully it also comes alongside an selection to plough it off. Want to cheque it out? Head over to this link. The search history volition also hand you lot glimpses of which is your favorite matter on the Internet as well as how productive you lot are at work! If you lot are someone worried near privacy you lot tin strength out also toggle off the options hence that your history volition no to a greater extent than endure stored on the Google servers.

Read: How to take your squall as well as information from Search Engines.

2. Google Data usage past times Third Party Apps

The Account Activity page lets you lot in, on the third-party apps as well as the also other green apps which are making exercise of your Google Data. Additionally, you lot tin strength out also come across the flat of permissions granted to the apps, as well as you lot tin strength out also revoke/modify the same. Go here. I was personally surprised to come across the issue of applications, I had granted permission to access my data, as well as some of them looked shady, the get-go matter to produce is revoke access to apps that you lot don’t use.

Google search engine has been the most sought Find out what Google knows near you

3. Exporting your Google Exclusive data

Google lets you lot export all of your information inwards the preferred file extension using Google Takeout. The stash of information includes bookmarks, emails, contacts, travail files, profile info, YouTube videos as well as also photos. This is the link from where the information tin strength out endure imported.

Google search engine has been the most sought Find out what Google knows near you

4. Your Location History

If you lot guide hold an Android phone, as well as then it is evident that Google keeps a tape of your location history. The location History characteristic also includes the location from where you lot log inwards to your Gmail concern human relationship from a PC. The best purpose is that you lot tin strength out cheque out the locations you lot guide hold visited over a year. So adjacent fourth dimension you lot forgot the squall of the Coffee store you lot had been to simply cheque it out inwards the Google Location history. Visit Your Timeline as well as Google volition exhibit you lot all the places you lot visited.

Google search engine has been the most sought Find out what Google knows near you

5. Security as well as Privacy written report from Google

Now, this is i of the most powerful features around, if you lot are worried that the concern human relationship mightiness endure compromised at some indicate inwards fourth dimension or fifty-fifty if you lot simply wanted to guide hold some precautionary measures. The written report tin strength out endure downloaded from this link. Furthermore, the written report is also expected to improve your noesis on how you lot tin strength out heighten your security.

Google search engine has been the most sought Find out what Google knows near you

6. YouTube Videos you lot search as well as watch

Google also keeps a history of your YouTube searches as well as video views. Check it out here.

7. This is what Google thinks near you

Google is smart plenty to brand a profile of its users, including how one-time it thinks you lot are, as well as this is meant to assist the advertizement publishers target the ads inwards a ameliorate as well as to a greater extent than efficient way. Google pulls the information from Analytics, as well as it talks near everything, the menses you lot stayed on the website as well as the search trends. It is surprising to come across the flat of detailing as well as the density of the information Google servers guide hold on the users. See your profile on this page. But you lot tin strength out exercise the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on which Google themselves guide hold provided.

8. Voice searches are saved

Google search engine has been the most sought Find out what Google knows near you

Google volition also store a history of your Voice searches including the recording of phonation as well as well action if you lot opted inwards to exercise the feature.

You may desire to delete your Google Voice Activity History.

Visit your Google Activity Control Dashboard to sentiment as well as create out all your privacy activities. Here you lot volition endure able to toggle your preferences On or Off. Click on the Manage Activity link for each, to modify your preferences.

To harden your settings further, exercise the Google Privacy Settings Wizard. Also, read this post on how to opt out as well as maintain your privacy when using Google Services. It gives you lot additional tips which you lot volition abide by useful.

Ever wondered – What information is available near you lot on the cyberspace when online?

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