StepsToReproduce lets you save screenshots as PDF

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PDF (Portable Document Format) is i of the best formats for sharing files. Instead of using .docx or.txt format, you lot tin portion a file inward PDF to forbid others from editing that easily. You tin edit PDF files using Word 2013, but, when you lot quest to include images in a PDF file, you lot may human face upward roughly problems. The easiest agency to include images together with plough them into i PDF file is to usage Microsoft Word. You tin only lay them inward i Word file together with salve that equally PDF.

However, StepsToReproduce makes that fourth dimension consuming describe of piece of occupation quicker together with easier. You exercise non convey to usage a screen capture software to capture screenshots together with Microsoft Word to plough them into a PDF file. StepsToReproduce tin attention you lot to capture screenshots together with export all those screenshots to i PDF file.

The Problem Steps Recorder inward Windows also lets you lot tape your interactions amongst an application & furnish a detailed screen-by-screen persuasion amongst accompanying information. But this tool offers you lot a piddling more.

Save screenshots equally PDF

StepsToReproduce comes amongst together with thence many non bad features, but the virtually useful amid them is that it you capture screenshots inward a serial together with salve them equally PDF files. Therefore, to salve a serial of screenshots equally PDF using this tool, offset download the freeware. After installing this tool, you lot volition run into a window similar this:

 is i of the best formats for sharing files StepsToReproduce lets you lot salve screenshots equally PDF

There are iii primary settings:

  1. Screenshots recording
  2. Single screenshot capture
  3. Capture history settings.

To capture screenshots afterwards i yesteryear one, you lot quest to select an selection from “Screenshots recording”. There are iii options nether Screenshots recording. If you lot desire to capture screenshots of an active screen, select the offset one. If you lot desire to capture screenshots of an active window, select the instant option. If you lot desire to select custom part to capture screenshots, the 3rd selection is for you.

No affair which selection you lot choose, you lot volition croak the same features. After selecting i option, exactly start capturing screenshots i yesteryear one.

You exercise non convey to exercise anything afterwards capturing i screenshot. You tin exactly click i time to a greater extent than together with i time to a greater extent than to capture multiple screenshots. After completing, exactly click on the Stop recording button that volition hold upward visible when you lot volition capture screenshots.

 is i of the best formats for sharing files StepsToReproduce lets you lot salve screenshots equally PDF

After that, you lot tin edit the screenshot equally per your wish. You tin add together outline, depict box together with exercise to a greater extent than other things.

It is also possible to add together a Title together with Description.

 is i of the best formats for sharing files StepsToReproduce lets you lot salve screenshots equally PDF

After that, click on the FILE button together with select a quality.

You tin select anyone amid Best, High, Average and Low. After that, click on Export button. Your images volition hold upward exported to PDF file.

 is i of the best formats for sharing files StepsToReproduce lets you lot salve screenshots equally PDF

StepsToReproduce – Other features

Although, this tool looks similar SnagIt, it doesn’t come upward amongst all its features. There are however, many useful features inward this costless covert capturing tool, like:

  • Share screenshots via electronic mail or ImageShack
  • Replace whatsoever role of whatsoever screenshot amongst something else
  • Add diverse effects
  • Use it to tape or document your desktop activity

This tool is mainly designed to salve screenshots equally PDF together with it does that real well.


UPDATE June 2016: StepsToReproduce is non available whatsoever longer. You tin silent usage Microsoft Steps Recorder equally mentioned to a higher house together with usage the tools mentioned below.

This post volition present you lot how to convert PDF to JPG.  See this post if you lot desire to convert JPG file to PDF file online free.

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