How to tell if the Hard Drive is SSD or HDD in Windows 10

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You may bring late bought a difficult drive, precisely thus you lot are non confused if the difficult get is SSD or HDD. While the after is known for its longevity, SSDs are known for its speed. On a Windows Computer, it is slowly to notice out nearly the type of drive. Let’s figure out those ways.

Is Hard Drive SSD or HDD?

These are the dissimilar methods yesteryear which 1 tin rank if the difficult get is SSD or HDD inwards Windows 10:

  1. Using Disk Defragmenter
  2. Using Windows Command Prompt
  3. Use freeware Speccy.

1] Use Disk Defragmenter

Type Defragment in addition to Optimize Drives inwards the Start Search box in addition to pick out the appropriate result.

You may bring late bought a difficult get How to rank if the Hard Drive is SSD or HDD inwards Windows 10

Under the column of Media type, you tin cheque if a difficult get is a Solid State drive or a Hard disk drive.

2] Using Windows Command Prompt

Open the Windows Command Prompt every moment an Administrator.

Execute the next ascendence to listing all the difficult drives connected to a computer:

PowerShell "Get-PhysicalDisk | Format-Table -AutoSize"

You may bring late bought a difficult get How to rank if the Hard Drive is SSD or HDD inwards Windows 10

The  MediaType Column volition display the type of storage devices i.e. SSD or HDD.

3] Using a freeware

You may bring late bought a difficult get How to rank if the Hard Drive is SSD or HDD inwards Windows 10

If you lot wishing to run freeware that would assistance you lot notice if the difficult get connected to your reckoner is an HDD or SSD, you lot tin run Speccy. This gratuitous software tin likewise assistance you lot inwards finding additional details nearly your difficult get every moment good every moment other aspects of your computer’s specifications.

Hope this direct is useful for you.

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