How to change default font, color, style, and size in Microsoft Outlook

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As a Microsoft Outlook user, you lot don’t accept to stick amongst Office’s default gear upwards of Fonts inward your emails or messages. It’s a snap to ‘change default font’ of private messages inward Outlook. Here’s a brusk tutorial explaining you lot customize or alter default font color mode too size inward Microsoft Outlook.

Customize default font & font size inward Outlook

In Outlook, you lot tin shipping away enlarge the default font to cut down chronic optic hurting or resize it to a smaller to jibe to a greater extent than things inward a unmarried window. Most Microsoft apps are customizable to users’ liking too Outlook is no exception to this rule. The personal data managing director from Microsoft is gear upwards to Calibri (11 Pt) every bit the default Font too size.

Customizing the font too the font size inward Outlook tin shipping away hold out done inward a few elementary steps. If you lot accept Microsoft Outlook installed on your PC launch it.

s default gear upwards of Fonts inward your emails or messages How to alter default font, color, style, too size inward Microsoft Outlook

When launched, click on the ‘File’ tab visible nether the Ribbon card too scroll downward to locate ‘Options

When found, click it.

s default gear upwards of Fonts inward your emails or messages How to alter default font, color, style, too size inward Microsoft Outlook

Now, when the Outlook Options window opens, conduct ‘Mail’ category too striking the ‘Stationery too Fonts’ tab every bit shown inward the icon above.

s default gear upwards of Fonts inward your emails or messages How to alter default font, color, style, too size inward Microsoft Outlook

Here, inward the novel ‘Signatures too Stationery’ window that opens up, you lot tin shipping away configure the fonts, styles, colors, backgrounds section, effects too more.

Click Font nether New postal service messages too select the desired font, style, size, color, too whatever embellishments. I accept chosen Times New Roman every bit the desired font precisely you lot tin shipping away alter it to the 1 that improve suits you.

When done, striking the ‘OK’ button.

In the Signatures too Stationery. windows, you lot did it for New postal service messages. Likewise, create the same for-

  • Replying or forwarding messages
  • Composing too reading patently text messages.

That’s it!

Related read: How to alter default font inward Word, Excel, PowerPoint.

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