Kernel Power Blue Screen on Windows 10

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Windows 10 depends on several resources too software components to business office every bit intended. Just for powering the machine, several smaller software components are supporting it. Some users are reporting Kernel Power Blue Screen fault triggered past times the Windows Kernel amongst commonly a Windows Kernel Event ID 41 error. It randomly turns off too reboots the computer.

 depends on several resources too software components to business office every bit intended Kernel Power Blue Screen on Windows 10

An lawsuit of the Bugcheck Code entry from a like resultant reads-

BugcheckCode 159
BugcheckParameter1 0x3
BugcheckParameter2 0xfffffa80029c5060
BugcheckParameter3 0xfffff8000403d518
BugcheckParameter4 0xfffffa800208c010
SleepInProgress false
PowerButtonTimestamp 0Converts to 0x9f (0x3, 0xfffffa80029c5060, 0xfffff8000403d518, 0xfffffa800208c010)

The displace for this fault is an number amongst the Power Supply components inwards both Hardware too Software parts.

NOTE: If your PC is stuck inwards a reboot loop, you lot may postulate to behavior out the next steps via Safe Mode or Advanced Startup Options screen.

Kernel Power Bluescreen Error

To troubleshoot this variety of pith crash issue, you lot postulate to debug the crashed organization dump files. But if you lot are an terminate user, you lot could endeavor our next suggestions:

  1. Undo Overclocking – if done.
  2. Run the Power troubleshooter.
  3. Replace the Power Supply Unit.
  4. Run Memory Diagnostics tests.
  5. Check RAM physically.
  6. Update or reset BIOS.
  7. Disable Fast Startup.

1] Undo overclocking

If you lot lead maintain Overclocked your system, get-go undo the overclocking too encounter if that makes the BSOD instruct away.

2] Run the Power Troubleshooter

 depends on several resources too software components to business office every bit intended Kernel Power Blue Screen on Windows 10

Run the Power Troubleshooter too permit it ready the issues if whatever are found.

Microsoft provides a dedicated department for the user to hold out able to run dissimilar types of troubleshooters within the Windows 10 Settings app.

Open the Settings App too navigate to the next path: Update & safety > Troubleshoot. Select the alternative that reads Power.

 depends on several resources too software components to business office every bit intended Kernel Power Blue Screen on Windows 10

Finally, lead Run the troubleshooter. Follow the onscreen instructions to honour too ready the issue.

3] Replace the Power Supply Unit

You tin hand the axe also endeavor to physically supercede the PSU or Power Supply Unit of your calculator too banking concern jibe if that fixes your issues.

4] Run Memory Diagnostics tests

 depends on several resources too software components to business office every bit intended Kernel Power Blue Screen on Windows 10

You tin hand the axe type, mdsched.exe in the Run box establish inwards the WIN + X buttons too and thence hit Enter. It volition launch the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool too volition hand you lot the next options:

  1. Restart at in 1 lawsuit too banking concern jibe for problems (Recommended)
  2. Check for problems the adjacent fourth dimension I start my computer

As per your choice, a scan volition lead maintain house inwards the retention too volition ready whatever issues establish automatically.

Alternatively, you lot tin hand the axe piece of occupation Memtest too banking concern jibe if that fixes your issues.

5] Check RAM physically

It is a chip tricky too technical. If you lot tend to piece of occupation multiple physical RAMs on your computer, you lot postulate get-go to banking concern jibe if they are of the same frequency. And afterward that, verify that the chip is properly compatible. If the sockets are attached using around adapter or non-recommended apparatus, it tin hand the axe displace around issues piece giving a surgical physical care for striking to the computer.

If you lot expose such setup,  brand certain that to telephone yell upwards inwards someone, too install the hardware correctly.

6] Update or reset BIOS

 depends on several resources too software components to business office every bit intended Kernel Power Blue Screen on Windows 10

The principal solution for this fault is to update the organization BIOS. If it does non assist you lot may reset BIOS too see. Follow the link to the guide to sympathise the reset procedure.

7] Disable Fast Startup

Fast Startup helps your calculator to kicking faster than usual. We propose that you lot disable the Fast Startup. Reboot the computer, too monitor if you lot instruct the number again. If it is resolved – adept – else contrary the changes made.

If nil helps you lot may postulate to contact your local hardware technician or Microsoft Support.

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