Windows 10 stuck on Diagnosing your PC or Preparing Automatic Repair screen

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Windows 10 carries a number of features which assistance it optimizing its functioning on a given computer. When an mistake is encountered yesteryear the operating system, it has capabilities to furnish proper resources to the user to become the number fixed or only produce it yesteryear itself. Sometimes, fifty-fifty the user is non notified in addition to an number is either dodged or repaired inward the background. One such characteristic is the Diagnosis of the Automatic Repair characteristic which starts when the PC is booting. At such times yous volition catch a message – Diagnosing your PC or Preparing Automatic Repair. This characteristic has proven to last effective, but to a greater extent than or less users induce got been reporting that the fixing procedure gets stuck.

 carries a number of features which assistance it optimizing its functioning on a given estimator Windows 10 stuck on Diagnosing your PC or Preparing Automatic Repair screen

Windows 10 stuck on Diagnosing your PC

Before yous get working on the fixes, perform Hard Boot. Power downward the PC, take away the battery in addition to air-conditioning adapter. Reconnect them in addition to and thence press in addition to concur the ability push clit for xx seconds in addition to catch if it volition kick upwardly normally. If it does non help, read on

You volition in addition to thence induce got to ability downward your estimator in addition to boot Windows 10 inward Safe Mode. You tin in addition to thence behave out these fixes become Windows 10 out of the stuck Diagnosing your PC or Preparing Automatic Repair screen.

  1. Run System File Checker & DISM.
  2. Run CHKDSK.
  3. Disable Automatic Repair.
  4. Use Installation media to kick in addition to repair your system.

1] Run System File Checker in addition to DISM

Run CMD every bit Administrator and in addition to thence execute the next ascendence to run System File Checker:

sfc /scannow

Restart your organization afterward the scan is completed.

Now, inward companionship to fix a corrupted Windows System Image using DISM,  open Command Prompt (Admin) and come inward the next iii commands sequentially in addition to i yesteryear i in addition to striking Enter:

Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealthDism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealthDism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Let these DISM commands run in addition to in i lawsuit done, restart your estimator in addition to see.


 carries a number of features which assistance it optimizing its functioning on a given estimator Windows 10 stuck on Diagnosing your PC or Preparing Automatic Repair screen

Run Command Prompt every bit Administrator in addition to execute the next ascendence to run chkdsk and then striking Enter.

chkdsk c: /f

It volition either offset checking for errors in addition to fixing them or inquire for a organization restart. Hit Y for scheduling the Disk Checker the side yesteryear side fourth dimension the organization restarts.

3] Disable Automatic Repair

When yous induce got a organization crusade related issue, the Automatic Startup Repair window opens upwardly automatically during boot. If yous mean value yous are inward such a situation, yous tin disable automatic Startup Repair. In Safe Mode, yous necessitate to opened upwardly Command Prompt in addition to execute the next command:

bcdedit /set recoveryenabled NO

Restart your estimator in addition to see.

4] Use Installation media to kick in addition to repair your system

 carries a number of features which assistance it optimizing its functioning on a given estimator Windows 10 stuck on Diagnosing your PC or Preparing Automatic Repair screen

You may use the Windows Installation bootable media to kick in addition to repair your system.

  1. Create an Installation media of the same version of OS installed on the computer.
  2. When yous achieve Install Windows screen, click on Repair your computer link.
  3. Shutdown afterward the repair is complete.
  4. Next, plow on your PC to catch if Windows tin kick properly.

Hope something helps!

If it does not, in addition to thence in that place are to a greater extent than suggestions hither that yous may desire to induce got a await at:

  1. Automatic Repair couldn’t repair your PC
  2. Windows 10 is stuck on loading to a greater extent than or less screen.

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