Mindmapp is a free mind mapping software for Windows 10

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A heed mapping software is handy when you lot demand to organize your thoughts on a item topic. If you lot are looking for a costless heed mapping tool for Windows 10/8/7, you lot tin install this software called Mindmapp. It comes amongst a uncomplicated user interface, in addition to slowly to usage options then that fifty-fifty newbie doesn’t pass a lot of fourth dimension to empathize the workflow of this tool. Here is everything you lot demand to know most Mindmapp then that you lot tin start using this tool to organize your thoughts.

Mindmapp heed mapping software

There are many costless heed mapping tools available for Windows. However, roughly tools come upward amongst a really complicated UI. This freeware comes amongst fewer features than other criterion heed mapping tools, only it has all the essential options,. That is why you lot tin discovery a bully in addition to construct clean user interface where you lot tin start writing whatever you lot want.

Features of Mindmapp

Mindmapp is focused on exclusively i function, in addition to that helps users write downward their thoughts quickly. H5N1 heed mapping or watch organizer tool should non last equally good difficult to use, in addition to the same intent tin last constitute inward this tool equally well. Talking most roughly of import features, the next listing contains everything.

  1. Zoom in/out: Many pop heed mapping tools practise non cause got a zoom in/out functionality. It is essential when you lot cause got created a massive nautical chart or list, in addition to you lot demand to larn from i terminate to another. If your heed mapping tool has a zoom in/out feature, you lot volition last able to brand that switch really quickly.
  2. Create equally many sub-directories equally possible: Many costless heed mapping tools restrain users from creating to a greater extent than than 10 or xv sub-directories or sub-nodes. However, you lot cannot discovery that occupation inward Mindmapp.
  3. Insert image: Not exclusively text, only also you lot tin insert an icon inward your file. Sometimes nosotros demand to add together a pic then that nosotros tin proceed something inward mind. If that is your situation, you lot tin insert image, icon, avatar, etc. inward your heed map.
  4. Use custom color combination: If you lot are creating a pattern for your business, schoolhouse project, or anything else, you lot powerfulness demand to categorize a few points. Custom color selection functionality makes that chore easier. You tin direct a dissimilar color for dissimilar node in addition to sub-node.
  5. Distraction-free editing panel: If you lot are using a heed mapping tool, that agency you lot are trying to proceed everything nether i roof. At such moments, you lot demand to remain calm. However, that is non possible if you lot are getting tons of notifications, in addition to all. To impede all such things, Mindmapp offers a characteristic called Sets the amount screen. As it defines, you lot tin create a heed map inward full-screen mode.
  6. Save equally JPG/PNG/PDF: By default, Mindmapp lets you lot relieve the file inward .mmap format. However, if you lot desire to portion your piece of work amongst soul or you lot desire to relieve the file equally an icon or PDF, you lot tin practise so. There is no demand to usage whatever third-party software since the inbuilt options tin practise such a affair easily.
  7. Keyboard shortcuts: Mindmapp comes amongst a lot of keyboard shortcuts then that you lot tin perform a task quickly.

There were roughly to a greater extent than features in addition to options.are.

How to install, setup & usage Mindmapp

To larn started amongst Mindmapp, hither is what you lot demand to do-

  1. Download in addition to install Mindmapp
  2. Setup in addition to start writing what you lot want

After downloading, installing in addition to opening it, you lot tin discovery a window similar this-

A heed mapping software is handy when you lot demand to organize your thoughts on a item t Mindmapp is a costless heed mapping software for Windows 10

Here you lot tin write whatever you lot want. To create a sub-node, you lot tin right-click on the bring upward mode. To modify the color, you lot tin usage the 2 color palettes visible on the right-hand side.

You tin discovery roughly icons on the top. Here is what they mean-

  1. Cleans the map: If you lot desire to construct clean the whole canvass at once, you lot tin usage this option.
  2. Loads an existing map: If you lot desire to charge a map from your computer, you lot demand to usage this option. Make certain that the map has .mmap extension. H5N1 map created inward other heed mapping tools cannot last imported.
  3. Saves the map: You tin relieve a map on your computer.
  4. Copy – Cut – Paste: The adjacent options allow you lot copy, cut, in addition to glue a node in addition to sub-node.
  5. Locks or unlocks the mode: If you lot desire to lock a node or sub-node then that it doesn’t larn changed inward whatever way, you lot tin usage this option.
  6. Adds an icon to the node: As mentioned earlier, you lot tin insert a pic inward your node. This alternative volition attention you lot practise that.
  7. Bold – Italic: If you lot desire to trend text, you lot tin usage the Bold in addition to Italic options.

How to relieve a heed map equally PNG/JPG or PDF

If you lot desire to relieve a map equally an icon or PDF, you lot tin practise that. At first, you lot demand to complete your map. Following that, click the push on your right-hand side that looks similar 3 horizontal lines in addition to select Export as.

A heed mapping software is handy when you lot demand to organize your thoughts on a item t Mindmapp is a costless heed mapping software for Windows 10

After that, you lot demand to select the format in addition to a place where you lot desire to relieve the file.

Mindmapp doesn’t cause got a lot of settings, only you lot tin cheque that out from Menu > Settings. From here, you lot tin practise these-

  • Change language
  • Center on resizing
  • Enable/disable node dragging
  • Map zoon
  • Automatic branch color
  • Node text name

Keyboard shortcuts

Mindmapp has a lot of keyboard shortcuts that you lot tin usage to practise a chore quickly. Some of the of import keyboard shortcuts are mentioned below-

  • Ctrl + N: Clean the map
  • Ctrl + Shift + S: Save the map amongst a name
  • Alt + Shift + Left/Right/up/down: Move the node to the left/right/up/down
  • Ctrl + Shift + Z: Repeat a previously undone change
  • Alt + +/-: Add a node/remove a node

If you lot desire to cheque out all the shortcuts, you lot tin larn to Menu > Shortcuts.

Security note

We tested this software amongst VirusTotal in addition to got a outcome of 2/68. As VirusTotal didn’t discovery whatever digital signature, it showed such a result. We believe that it is security to use.

Considering everything, Mindmapp seems to last a adept selection for those, who practise non desire to pass a lot of fourth dimension to empathize all the features, create an occupation organisation human relationship in addition to then on. If you lot like, you lot tin download Mindmapp from the download page.

Freemind is roughly other heed mapping software you lot may desire to cause got a await at.

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