How to save files from LibreOffice directly to Google Drive

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Google Drive is a pop file storage service used past times millions of people every twenty-four hr menses to shop files on servers, synchronize documents across devices in addition to part the documents from whatever location. GSuite tools contain Google Drive for storage. This cloud-based service is connected to Google’s purpose suite that permits users to relieve files inwards diverse formats to the cloud in addition to so access the service from dissimilar devices in addition to browser-based services to open, edit in addition to practise a novel file.

Google Drive allows to shop universal file formats on their servers in addition to LibreOffice is i with the pop purpose suites that tin live on straight connected to Google Drive servers for collaborative editing of files.

That beingness said, LibreOffice in addition to Google Drive are the ii pop opened upwardly beginning purpose suites available for gratis in addition to are compatible with each other. These ii productivity suites are designed to run good on Windows in addition to back upwardly major browsers similar Chrome, Firefox, Explorer, in addition to Edge. Both Office suits part close of the mutual centre application in addition to therefore it is tardily to central documents betwixt the ii purpose suites.

LibreOffice users tin straight shop the files similar spreadsheets, drawings, give-and-take processor in addition to presentations from the application suites on to the Google Drive for tardily accessibility. In this article, nosotros explicate how to connect the LibreOffice straight to Google Drive cloud service.

Save files from LibreOffice straight to Google Drive

Setting upwardly Google Drive in addition to Saving a file to Google Drive

Launch LibreOffice in addition to opened upwardly i of the LibreOffice tools.

Create a novel document or opened upwardly an existing document

Navigate to File in addition to pick out Open Remote File alternative from the drop-down menu.

 is a pop file storage service used past times millions of people every twenty-four hr menses to shop files on  How to relieve files from LibreOffice straight to Google Drive

In the Remote Files window that pops up, click Add Service.

In the File Services dialog box, pick out Google Drive from the drop-down carte inwards the alternative Type.

 is a pop file storage service used past times millions of people every twenty-four hr menses to shop files on  How to relieve files from LibreOffice straight to Google Drive

In the User field, type the email address of your Google account in addition to type inwards the Google password inwards the Password field.

Give the championship for your line organisation human relationship inwards the Label field.

Click Ok to found the connection.

Once the connexion is established, the Save As dialog box for remote files pops up.

Select the directory where you lot desire to relieve the document, give the file mention in addition to click Save Button.

The file volition at in i lawsuit live on saved to your Google Drive.

Saving file straight to Google Drive

Once you lot bring gear upwardly the connexion to Google Drive, you lot tin relieve a document straight to Google Drive line organisation human relationship equally follows

Open a Document in addition to larn to Files.

Click Save Remote from the drop-down menu.

 is a pop file storage service used past times millions of people every twenty-four hr menses to shop files on  How to relieve files from LibreOffice straight to Google Drive

Select the Google Drive Service from the drop-down carte in addition to type the principal password.

Please banknote that if you lot bring added multiple cloud service to the Remote File tool, pick out the appropriate service from the Service alternative inwards the Remote Files Window.

Give the mention for the document in addition to click the Save button.

Access your line organisation human relationship & Open a document from a Google Drive Server

The documents inwards LibreOffice format cannot live on read past times Google Drive. The motility converts the document into Google format earlier you lot tin edit or part the document with others. To opened upwardly a file that is saved to Google Drive follow the below steps

  1. Launch LibreOffice in addition to larn to File.
  2. Click Open Remote File from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the password inwards the prompt box in addition to click Ok.
  4. Search in addition to pick out the file which you lot desire to opened upwardly in addition to click the Open button.

For the higher upwardly steps to work, brand certain that you lot are using LibreOffice version running on Windows in addition to Mac. The cloud service cannot live on connected to the LibreOffice version which is running on a Linux or other operating system.

Hope this plant for you.

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