Firefox Profile files and folders explained

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One of our readers suggested us to come upwardly up alongside a follow-up article on how to find the Firefox Profile,  describing some of the folders/files inwards the Firefox Profile folder on Windows PC. Particularly, the ones required for an slow reinstall of extensions, passwords, etc. While attempting to oblige to his request, nosotros also idea it necessary to clear upwardly the air unopen to those folders/files located nether your Firefox browser profile.

Firefox browser Profile files together with folders

Any changes made past times you lot to your Firefox browser similar your abode page, extensions installed, or passwords saved are readily stored inwards a special folder, called a profile. This profile folder is stored inwards a dissever house from the Firefox computer program together with so that, if something always goes incorrect alongside Firefox, you lot tin easily recover it.

Firefox browser, past times default, stores your profile folder at this place on your calculator –


It farther contains additional files together with folders some of whose roles are described briefly below.


As the advert suggests, the folder stores bookmark backup files, which tin live on used to restore your bookmarks. H5N1 file – favicons.sqlite file contains all of the favicons (a shortcut icon for your Firefox bookmarks). So, you lot should proceed a backup of it if you lot are interested inwards saving your bookmarks

One of our readers suggested us to come upwardly up alongside a follow Firefox Profile files together with folders explained

Secondly, all your passwords are stored inwards 2 unlike files. These include:

  1. key4.db – This file is known to shop your telephone commutation database for your passwords. To transfer saved passwords, you lot must re-create this file along alongside the next file.
  2. logins.json – If you lot are aware, the Firefox browser supports a built-in password manager. This manager stores the encrypted credentials inwards a file called “logins.json.” All the usernames together with passwords saved to the logins.json file are encrypted alongside a telephone commutation that is stored inwards the “key4.db” file.

One of our readers suggested us to come upwardly up alongside a follow Firefox Profile files together with folders explained

Both the logins.json together with key4.db files tin live on flora inwards the Windows directory.

Site-specific preferences

The site permission shop is kept inwards an SQLite database called permissions.sqlite. It stores many of your Firefox permissions that are decided on a per-site basis. For instance, which sites should live on allowed or prohibited from setting cookies, showing images, displaying popups together with installing extensions.

Search engines

This file search.json.mozlz4 stores user-installed search engines.

While nosotros recommend keeping a backup of all the files together with folders inwards a profile, those that are peculiarly useful inwards the slow reinstallation of extensions together with passwords, was of our involvement together with thus, covered.

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