How to use and add Work/School accounts to Microsoft Authenticator app

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One of the primary benefits of using the Microsoft Authenticator app is that it allows yous to login to your personal Microsoft trouble concern human relationship without entering the password. As such, it tin endure used to generate codes for secure logins (personal, operate too school). Today, we’ll give yous a glimpse at how to role too add together operate or schoolhouse accounts to the Microsoft Authenticator App.

Using Microsoft Authenticator App alongside 2-step verification

Sign into your trouble concern human relationship on too click on ‘Security’.

 is that it allows yous to login to your personal Microsoft trouble concern human relationship without entering the pa How to role too add together Work/School accounts to Microsoft Authenticator app

Then, scroll downward too direct ‘Additional safety options’ > ‘Setup 2-step verification’.

 is that it allows yous to login to your personal Microsoft trouble concern human relationship without entering the pa How to role too add together Work/School accounts to Microsoft Authenticator app

If prompted add together your safety information. Once done, yous are proficient to start.

It’s advisable to enable Notifications for the app because, when yous sign, Microsoft volition post a prompt to your device that yous volition accept to response to. It won’t spam yous alongside unnecessary notifications.

Add a operate or schoolhouse trouble concern human relationship to Microsoft Authenticator App

First, larn to the Additional safety verification covert on around other PC or device too banking concern check the box marked against the Authenticator app.

Next, hitting the ‘Configure’ push equally shown inwards the screenshot below.

 is that it allows yous to login to your personal Microsoft trouble concern human relationship without entering the pa How to role too add together Work/School accounts to Microsoft Authenticator app

Instantly, the Configure mobile app covert volition look on your PC screen, displaying a QR code. You volition ask to scan this code alongside the authenticator app.

Now, opened upward the Microsoft Authenticator app too switch to the Accounts screen.

There, select Add account > Work or schoolhouse account.

Now, enable your device’s photographic idiot box camera to scan the QR code, too and then select Done to unopen the QR code screen. If your photographic idiot box camera isn’t working properly, larn inwards the QR code too URL manually.

 is that it allows yous to login to your personal Microsoft trouble concern human relationship without entering the pa How to role too add together Work/School accounts to Microsoft Authenticator app

Once done, the Accounts covert of the app volition display boldly your trouble concern human relationship alongside a six-digit verification code below it. The verification code changes every xxx seconds therefore you’ll accept to endure actually quick.

Please Federal Reserve notation that the scheme yous operate for may require a PIN to consummate your identity verification. If yous produce non desire PIN identification, configure the Microsoft Authenticator app to role your device’s fingerprint or facial recognition instead.

You tin enable this, the starting fourth dimension time yous are prompted to verify your trouble concern human relationship via the authenticator app. However, your device should endure equipped alongside biometric capabilities.

It is of import to cry hither that the Authenticator app collects Account information yous furnish when yous add together your account. If yous accept whatsoever apprehensions regarding this, yous tin take it past times merely removing your account.

The app tin endure used for other systems that back upward two-step verification codes, similar Google too Dropbox.

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