How to send blocked files on Gmail

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If when you lot essay out to ship a file like, you lot have Blocked for safety reasons message, in addition to then this post volition demo you lot how to ship them. Bear inward take heed that Gmail does non back upward file formats such every bit EXE, DLL, DMG, VB, CMD, BAT, JAR, VBS, JSE, PIF, VXD, JSE, APK, INS, SCT, MSI. You tin ship RAR in addition to ZIP files – simply fifty-fifty these 2 larn blocked at times if they include a prohibited file type. In this post nosotros volition demo you lot how to ship blocked files, taking the instance of RAR files.

The chances are you’ve been attempting to ship a RAR file via Gmail, simply for about foreign reason, it’s non working. You’re wondering what needs to hold out done hither because sending this RAR file is really important. Sending a RAR file through Gmail to someone else is non ever straightforward, in addition to this is mainly due to rules laid upward yesteryear Google. You see, Google doesn’t similar it when you lot ship sure as shooting files to friend or identify unit of measurement via Gmail, therefore, the work is probable non the RAR archive, simply the contents within.

Blocked for safety reasons

If the search giant is indeed blocking your upload, in addition to then you lot should run across a message that says Blocked for safety reasons. This is fine because every bit stated above, there’s a high risk you’ve been blocked due to sure as shooting files inside the RAR archive. In this post, I volition accept the instance of a scenario where Gmail is blocking a RAR file.

How to ship blocked files on Gmail

You lead keep 3 options, in addition to nosotros volition accept a hold off at them inward details:

  1. Remove blocked files
  2. Edit blocked files
  3. Share amongst OneDrive

1] Remove Blocked Files

The outset selection is to extract the contents of the RAR archive in addition to delete the affected files if they are non super important. After that, larn on ahead in addition to ship the RAR archive file again. This time, you lot should come upward across no errors from Gmail.

2] Edit Blocked Files file extension

 in addition to then this post volition demo you lot how to ship them How to ship blocked files on Gmail

Editing the files is a sure as shooting means to larn things to move every bit you lot desire it to. However, nosotros recommend communicating amongst the other political party earlier doing so. We tell this because later on they lead keep received the RAR file through Gmail, they volition hold out required to manually laid upward the edited files dorsum to normal.

OK, so opened upward File Explorer in addition to search for the RAR archive you’re interested inward sending. Right-click on it in addition to extract the files from within. If whatsoever file has the same extension every bit the unsupported ones mentioned above, right-click on them i later on the other, in addition to select Rename.

If the file inward query is called TWC.exe, for example, rename it to TWC.jpeg or whatsoever supported file format. Return all content into the RAR archive, in addition to restart the upload procedure through Gmail i time more.

After receiving the archive, the other soul must follow the same example. Right click on the affected files, select Rename, in addition to then take the extensions in addition to add together the correct ones.

It’s pretty tardily in addition to should accept no fourth dimension whatsoever unless you’re sending a lot of content.

3] Share amongst OneDrive

 in addition to then this post volition demo you lot how to ship them How to ship blocked files on Gmail

There’s about other selection that tends to move almost of the time. With this option, there’s no involve to edit the contents inside the RAR archive. If you’re using Windows 10, which you lot should be, view the Microsoft Store in addition to download the OneDrive app.

Launch the app, in addition to then drag in addition to drop the RAR archive from the File Explorer to the OneDrive app. After the upload has been completed, right-click on the RAR archive, in addition to then select Share Link.

Copy the provided URL in addition to ship it to the third-party. Whenever they click on that link, they’ll hold out brought to the file’s place on OneDrive. From there, they’ll hold out able to download it without a fuss.

Hope this helps!

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