Fix Windows Update Error Code 0x8007025D-0x2000C

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Some users bring reported receiving an mistake code 0x8007025D-0x2000C spell updating Windows 10 using an ISO or Media Creation tool. Along alongside this mistake code, a detailed message includes The installation failed inward the SAFE_OS stage alongside an mistake during APPLY_IMAGE operation. This occupation to a greater extent than oft than non arises when at that spot is or thence occupation alongside the installation files, in addition to Windows Update fails to apply i.e. upgrade using the ISO or Media Creation Tool. In this post, nosotros are going to advise a few solutions that mightiness aid you.

Some users bring reported receiving an mistake code  Fix Windows Update Error Code 0x8007025D-0x2000C

Windows 10 Update mistake 0x8007025D-0x2000C

1] Recreate Windows 10 Installation USB

Try recreating the Windows 10 USB Installer using ISO file ane time again either on the USB drive. When using the USB drive, brand certain to utilisation a drive which has a slap-up read-write speed. In illustration y'all are having problem creating Media Tool, you tin move practice it offline every bit well.

2] Re-download Windows 10 ISO

If y'all are using an ISO, y'all tin move re-download the ISO files from the Microsoft server, in addition to and then seek installing it again. You tin move utilisation BURN the files onto a DVD file alongside slap-up read-write speed if y'all can.

3] Update BIOS/UEFI 

Some users bring reported that updating the BIOS to the latest version fixes the problem. Make certain to banking concern gibe alongside your OEM to download the latest drivers.

4] Restart BITS Service

BITS or  Background Intelligent Transfer Service is a purpose of Windows Update service which manages background download of Windows Update, scan for novel updates in addition to thence on. If your Windows Update is failing multiple times, y'all may desire to restart the BITS service. You volition postulate admin privileges to consummate this.

Some users bring reported receiving an mistake code  Fix Windows Update Error Code 0x8007025D-0x2000C

  • Launch Services Manager console past times typing services.msc inward the Run prompt followed past times the Enter key.
  • Search for Background Intelligent Transfer Service. Double click to opened upwards Properties.
  • In the Properties pane, laid the Startup type to Manual and in addition to then click on the Start button. If that doesn’t help, laid it to Automatic (Delayed) in addition to and then restart your computer.

That said, the best bet is to utilisation a novel ISO file downloaded on a network alongside proficient speed. Sometimes ISO files are corrupted because of network issue.

Let us know if these tips helped y'all create Windows 10 Update mistake 0x8007025D-0x2000C.

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