Opiran Press Unloose - Anonymous To The Noble People Of Iran !

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OpIran Press Release -Anonymous to The Noble People of Islamic Republic of Iran !
OP BEGINS 3:30AM GMT fourteen FEB (10:30PM EST thirteen FEB) 




Farsi loic instructions:



The next is an opened upward missive of the alphabet (condensed) from Anonymous to The People of Iran, accompanied yesteryear an (expanded) English linguistic communication language press release:

To the Noble People of Iran,

We know how keen y'all are. You guide maintain been killed, jailed, tortured as well as silenced yesteryear the illegal regime which has hijacked your province for the yesteryear decades, as well as yet y'all yet rose upward finally twelvemonth against a forcefulness that y'all knew meant y'all harm. They may kill 1 soul every 8 hours, but they can't kill your fighting spirit. They can't kill your freedom. Know that nosotros back upward you. Know that y'all are non alone.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We produce non forgive.
We produce non forget.
Expect us


Most respectable as well as honorable citizens of Iran,


YOU are Legion, as well as nosotros await you.

The protesters who are imprisoned as well as beaten; the bloggers who are censored; the citizens who are executed for speaking against the regime: y'all are the ones genuinely loyal to your country.

To those that would stay intimidated into subdued silence: You guide maintain passively enabled your authorities to brand a mockery of your freedom. Now is your run a endangerment for action, for redemption, as well as representation.

A novel dawn is approaching, that volition ready y'all as well as your keen province gratuitous from the shackles of oppression, tyranny as well as torture. It volition permit y'all exhale, as well as finally guide maintain the get-go breath that volition create amount your lungs amongst strength, wisdom as well as freedom.

Anonymous; You, Me, Everybody, as well as Nobody. Together nosotros tin nullify whatever threat to our human rights, as well as they know it. They are aware of our existence, as well as the coming cascade, but know that they are powerless. As nosotros guide maintain been forced to fright them, forthwith they volition acquire to fright the Power of the People.

Most of all, they fright you; Which is why they guide maintain kept y'all inwards shackles for as well as then long.

This is your time, y'all tin forthwith seize it as well as pave the means for your ain future.

The authorities of Islamic Republic of Iran deliberately portrays dissent equally disloyalty, unjustly making "examples" out of those who verbalize against sanctioned actions. This strategy only industrial plant if people are intimidated into inaction. The authorities needs to survive held accountable for its crimes against you, its citizens. You were the victim, but forthwith y'all are the judge. Make your ruling.

People of Iran, y'all volition non survive denied your correct to gratuitous speech communication as well as gratuitous press; your correct to liberty of assembly, uncensored information as well as unlimited access to the Internet; your correct to a life without oppression as well as fear.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We produce non forgive.
We produce non forget.
Expect us.

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