Free Android Encryption Comes To Egypt, The Revolution Volition Endure Encrypted !

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Free cellular telephone encryption is coming to Android users inwards Arab Republic of Egypt courtesy of San Francisco software maker Whisper Systems.

Until now, Redphone as well as TextSecure, voice- as well as text-encryption apps respectively, convey mostly been available inwards the U.S.A. only. Whisper Systems has been working on making the packages available internationally. With cellular telephone communication playing a vital business office inwards the to a greater extent than than 2 weeks of protests inwards Cairo as well as Alexandria, the companionship decided to jump-start a version for Egyptians, said psyche Moxie Marlinspike.
“Given the events inwards Egypt, we've stepped upward our efforts to contain international support, as well as are virtually create to exercise our showtime international unloose yesteryear deploying RedPhone as well as TextSecure (which is too unavailable there) into Egypt,” he wrote inwards an email.
Marlinspike is no stranger to regime surveillance. While returning from a trip overseas, U.S.A. feds late confiscated his handset as well as laptop.
TextSecure uses potent encryption to brand text messages stored on a telephone unreadable to anyone who doesn't convey the passcode. It too allows the user to shipping encrypted text messages to others who too convey TextSecure installed. Redphone allows users to convey end-to-end phonation conversations.
For the fourth dimension being, the software is available for Android handsets only. Marlinspike has said he plans to brand versions available for the iPhone as well as Blackberry inwards the future.
The novel version, which is available to Android handsets registered to an Egyptian carrier, is available here. ®
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