Anonymous Hackers Mail A Video Message To Westboro Baptist Church Building !

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Anonymous doesn't fry roughly as well as the Westboro Baptist Church learned that the difficult way. The hacktivist grouping took downward their website as well as left a stern message.

The 2 groups, the radical hackers which launch denial-of-service attacks as well as the radical religious organization which preaches its message most God yesteryear protesting armed forces funerals, choose been sparring through the Internet as well as online message boards.

The feud began amongst a "letter" from Anonymous to Westboro Baptist Church, explaining if the church building didn't halt their "benighted gospel of hatred" as well as "fascist views," Anonymous would target their websites. Then WBC responded to the missive of the alphabet telling Anonymous to "bring it." Anonymous followed that by explaining the initial missive of the alphabet was a trap ready yesteryear "attention whoring idiots."

WBC took exception to that as well as said inward reality, Anonymous had attempted, as well as failed, to hack their sites. WBC spokesperson Margie Phelps said the minute message yesteryear Anonymous was an elbow grease to encompass upwardly their failures.

It appears at that topographic point is no bespeak to encompass upwardly anymore. That's because Anonymous has successfully hacked into Westboro's grouping of sites, including the principal one, Over the yesteryear day, the websites choose been downward completely.

Before the sites went down, Anonymous left a message for Westboro Baptist. When launched, instead of the regular site, at that topographic point was a missive of the alphabet from Anonymous. At the top the missive of the alphabet said, "This domain has been seized yesteryear Anonymous nether department #14 of the rules of the Internet."

In the letter, Anonymous explained they had no involvement inward hacking into Westboro's sites, simply WBC's continued amongst its "biting of the Anonymous hand," which ultimately forced a response. At the bottom of the missive of the alphabet it said, "God hates fags: assumption. Anonymous hates leeches: fact."

An Anonymous hacker named Jester took credit for the laid on as well as message. During an interview on the syndicated David Pakman radio show, a spokesperson from Anonymous confronted WBC spokesperson Shirley Phelps-Roper as well as told her the sites had been hacked.

Here is that Video :

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