Police Warns - Beware Facebook Scams !

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Sophisticated scam artists are raiding blackberries, I-phones as well as personal computers as well as are using sites similar Facebook to pocket identities as well as coin yesteryear fooling friends, Halifax police describe warn.

Det. Const. Dana Drover said Midweek the best agency to protect yourself at dwelling — or using populace Wi-Fi — is to piece of employment a complex password as well as alter it often.

"There are individuals who arrive their line of piece of employment concern to travail as well as capture, or harvest, electronic information using devices that tin capture wireless mesh information," he said.

That signal was driven dwelling over the Christmas vacation when Radio-Canada producer Paul Emile d'Entremont checked his Facebook as well as i of his Facebook friends started chatting amongst him.

"She started off, 'How are you lot doing, Paul?' I said, 'Fine.' And she says, 'I'm non doing thence well. I'm inwards London, England, as well as yesterday I was the victim of a barbarous attack, as well as my facial expression upwardly is swollen as well as they equally good stole all of my credit cards,'" d'Entremont said Wednesday.

But equally presently his so-called friend asked for coin — close $1,900 — he realized it was a scam, as well as close it down.

It was an imposter pretending to endure Zahra Sethna, of Halifax, who had been nowhere close London.

"Most of my friends realized real rapidly that it was a scam," Sethna said Wednesday

She thinks her Facebook line of piece of employment concern human relationship was hijacked at Pearson International Airport inwards Toronto when she forgot to log off later on using the Wi-Fi inwards the terminal.

"He's [the imposter] tried to chat amongst several people. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 friend of mine who plant inwards Republic of Yemen was chatting away amongst this scammer," Sethna said.

"I estimate through Facebook, because you lot tin brand all those connections, they know the cite of my husband. So they genuinely used his cite inwards the chat which made it appear to a greater extent than authentic."

In this illustration the scammer failed to con anyone out of whatsoever money, as well as Facebook at nowadays disabled Sethna's line of piece of employment concern human relationship later on learning it had been compromised.

News Source : Om Rathore | CBC
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