Windows 10 Mail and Calendar app won't print

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The Mail too Calendar app is in all likelihood used to a greater extent than yesteryear casuals than Outlook 2016, too that’s because it’s slow to launch too slow to purpose due to the lack of bells too whistles. If y'all only desire to cheque too ship emails, thence the sum Outlook sense is non required.

There powerfulness come upward a fourth dimension when you’ll involve to impress an of import email, too since the Mail too Calendar app tin dismiss print, it would brand sense to accept wages of it rather than to launch Outlook 2016.

OK, thence you’ve launched the Mail app, too to your surprise when attempting to print, you’re getting an mistake that says:

Nothing was sent to print. Open a document too impress again

You’re ripping your pilus out because everything should only move equally expected. To proceed your take heed at ease, only follow the steps below to cook your printing problem.

Windows 10 Mail too Calendar app won't print

1] Check for updates

 app is in all likelihood used to a greater extent than yesteryear casuals than  Windows 10 Mail too Calendar app won't print

Sometimes a complex work only requires a uncomplicated update to cook it, too that could live the representative here. You see, if other apps or services are able to ship impress information to your printer, thence the Mail too Calendar app is at fault.

To cheque for an update, launch the Microsoft Store, search for Mail too Calendar, too click the “Update” push clitoris if there’s one.

2] Re-install the Mail too Calendar app

 app is in all likelihood used to a greater extent than yesteryear casuals than  Windows 10 Mail too Calendar app won't print

Uninstalling the Mail too Calendar app isn’t a straightforward affair. Microsoft hasn’t made it slow for users to take only about of its nitty-gritty apps from Windows 10, too that’s a work because non everyone has a purpose for them.

To take the app, press the Win + S, thence type Windows Powershell, right-click on the app when it appears, too guide Run equally administrator. When Windows Powershell is upward too running, type the next thence striking Enter.

Get-AppxPackage *windowscommunicationsapps* | Remove-AppxPackage

Doing this should take the Mail too Calendar app from your Windows 10 computer.

The lastly step, then, is to install the Mail too Calendar app from the Microsoft Store.

3] Update Printer driver

 app is in all likelihood used to a greater extent than yesteryear casuals than  Windows 10 Mail too Calendar app won't print

If the inwards a higher house workarounds neglect to cook your problem, thence we’d similar to recommend updating your printer’s driver.

Hit the Windows Key + S, type Device Manager, launch it from the search inquiry page, thence facial expression for Printer devices. Expand it, notice your printer, right-click too guide Update Driver software. Return to the postal service app too travail to impress a document again.

4] Reset the Mail too Calendar app

 app is in all likelihood used to a greater extent than yesteryear casuals than  Windows 10 Mail too Calendar app won't print

Open Windows 10 Settings > Apps > Apps & Features > Locate the Mail too Calendar app > Advanced settings > Reset.

5] Use third-party apps or Outlook on the web

Nothing works? No problem. You tin dismiss purpose a third-party postal service app, connect your Outlook occupation concern human relationship too accept wages of whatsoever printing features available. Alternatively, watch, sign inwards amongst your occupation concern human relationship information, too perform the impress work from inside your spider web browser.

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