Usbsploit V0.5 Beta Version Out !

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“USBsploit is a PoC to generate Reverse TCP backdoors, malicious PDF or LNK files. But too running Auto[run|play] infections as well as dumping all USB files remotely on multiple targets at the same time, a laid of extensions to dump tin post away live on specified. All EXE, PDF as well as LNK on the USB targets tin post away too live on replaced past times malicious ones. USBsploit plant through Meterpreter sessions (wmic, railgun, migration) amongst a calorie-free modified version of Metasploit. The interface is a modernistic of SET (The Social Engineering Toolkit). The Meterscript scripts of the USBsploit Framework tin post away too live on used amongst the master Metasploit Framework.“

This version fixes a lot of bugs.
Download USBsploit v0.5BETA  here.
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