Nix : A Linux Creature Forcer Download

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NiX Brute Forcer is a tool that uses creature strength inwards parallel to log into a organization without having authentication credentials beforehand. This tool is intended to demonstrate the importance of choosing potent passwords. The destination of NiX is to back upward a diverseness of services that allow remote authentication such as: MySQL, SSH, FTP, IMAP. It is based on NiX Proxy Checker.
Its features are:

  • Basic Authorization & FORM support.
  • HTTP/SOCKS iv in addition to v proxy support.
  • FORM auto-detection & Manual FORM input configuration.
  • It is multi-threaded.
  • Wordlist shuffling via macros.
  • Auto-removal of dead or unreliable proxy in addition to when site protection machinery blocks the proxy.
  • Integrated proxy randomization to defeat sure enough protection mechanisms.
  • With Success in addition to Failure Keys results are 99% accurate.
  • Advanced coding in addition to timeout settings makes it outperform whatsoever other bruteforcer.
Use latest PHP 5.2.x or 5.3.x.
Basic requirements for Nix :
A) Linux box or a VPS
B) PHP CLI version betwixt 5.2.x – 5.3.x
C) SourceGuardian 8.2 loader: Provided inwards “loaders” directory
D) If you lot are using PHP origin compile (encouraged to use). The minimum ./configure options are:
--with-curl --enable-sockets --enable-pcntl --with-openssl
E) Required php.ini settings:
short_open_tag = On
allow_call_time_pass_reference = On
safe_mode = Off
register_globals = Off
register_argc_argv = On
enable_dl = On
SourceGuardian 8.2 loader (extension) must survive inwards extension_dir defined inwards php.ini.
For PHP 5.2.x:

For PHP 5.3.x:
If you lot are using 32bit operating system, you lot remove to re-create the loader from “32″ directory
If you lot are using 64bit operating system, you lot remove to re-create the loader from “64″ directory
We are also inwards testing stage of this tool. If you lot convey already reviewed it, delight permit us know.
Currently supports *nix systems. Hope that Windows back upward is also added to this tool!

Download NiX – Brute Forcer v1.0.1  here
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