Google Launches Phishing Warning Service

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In belatedly September, Google announced Google Safe Browsing Alerts for Network Administrators -- a tool that enables Autonomous System (AS) owners to have notifications for malicious content industrial plant life on their networks. For example, ISPs that host thousands of sites simply don’t straight command what’s hosted on those sites, nevertheless bring an involvement inwards content beingness hosted on their networks together with desire to proceed their IP’s every bit build clean every bit possible.
Today, Google announced that they would last adding phishing URLs to the notification messages.
By default, the alarm notifications are sent out via electronic mail messages. For smaller organizations this may last ideal, simply for larger organizations alongside to a greater extent than URLs together with a safety infrastructure that is setup to monitor malicious URLs, Google is offering an XML notification feature. With the XML feed, organizations tin procedure the phishing together with malicious URL notifications past times a script, straight into whatever tools they may role internally.
Network together with site owners tin register for these services here:
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