Reset, Repair or Reinstall Edge browser in Windows 10

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Microsoft Edge browser is a protected Windows 10 app, as well as it is unlikely that it volition instruct hijacked or compromised. Nevertheless, if Edge shows graphics glitches or if for to a greater extent than or less argue you lot wishing to reset, repair or reinstall Microsoft Edge browser to default settings inward Windows 10, you lot may practise the following.

Repair or Reset Edge browser

Windows 10 v1709 as well as after allows you lot to reset or repair Edge browser amongst a click via Settings. To practise so, opened upwards the WinX Menu as well as click on Settings. Next, nether the Apps as well as features section, search for Microsoft Edge.

 as well as it is unlikely that it volition instruct hijacked or compromised Reset, Repair or Reinstall Edge browser inward Windows 10

Now click on the Advanced options link to opened upwards the next window.

 as well as it is unlikely that it volition instruct hijacked or compromised Reset, Repair or Reinstall Edge browser inward Windows 10

Now you lot may rootage select the Repair choice if Edge is non working properly. When you lot repair Edge, your information volition rest safe.

If this does non brand whatever difference, you lot may select the Reset button. Windows volition reset your Edge browser settings, keeping your Favorites intact – but you lot may lose other Edge data.

TIP: If your Edge is crashing or freezing, switch to a Local Account from Microsoft Account, or vice versa as well as run into if this resolves the issue. If you lot practise a novel User Account, your Edge volition survive available to you lot inward a fresh state, for that User Account.

Reinstall Edge browser

You are all familiar amongst the physical care for for manually uninstalling or reinstalling the Store apps. But the remove-appxpackage ascendancy volition non run for Microsoft Edge, every bit it is a business office of the Windows operating system.

Follow this physical care for to practise it.

Restart your Windows 10 inward Safe Mode.

Open the C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Packages folder place inward File Explorer.

Here you lot volition run into the packet Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe. Delete it. If you lot cannot, right-click on it as well as select Properties. Here nether General tab > Attributes, uncheck the Read only check-box. If require be, Take ownership of the file as well as and thus delete it. If you lot desire to brand things easy, purpose our Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4 as well as add together Take ownership, to your right-click context menu. Then right-click on the packet as well as select Take ownership from the context menu.

 as well as it is unlikely that it volition instruct hijacked or compromised Reset, Repair or Reinstall Edge browser inward Windows 10

Once you lot cause got deleted the Edge package, open an elevated PowerShell prompt, type the next as well as hitting Enter:

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml" -Verbose}

This volition re-install Edge browser. Once done, you lot volition have a Operation completed message.

Restart your Windows 10 reckoner as well as run into if this has worked for you.

If things cause got non gone the agency you lot want them to, you lot tin ever instruct dorsum to the created arrangement restore point.

Post update on 18th October 2017.

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