How to Enable or Disable Snipping Tool in Windows 10

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The Snipping Tool is the default a screen-capture application built inwards Windows. Most users role this application for capturing screenshots. If you lot too, role it quite ofttimes then, it’s ever desirable to assign the tool, a hotkey to opened upward it inwards an instant. But if you lot accept reasons to disable it, hence this tutorial volition demo you lot how to enable or disable the Snipping Tool inwards Windows 10/8/7 using the Group Policy or the Registry Editor.

Disable Snipping Tool inwards Windows 10

Using Group Policy Editor or GPEDIT

 Most users role this application for capturing screenshots How to Enable or Disable Snipping Tool inwards Windows 10

Type ‘gpedit.msc’ inwards Start Search as well as hitting Enter to opened upward the Local Group Policy Editor. Next, navigate to the next setting:

User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Tablet PC > Accessories.

Here, on the right-side, double-click on ‘Do non allow Snipping Tool to run’ to opened upward its Properties as well as choose ‘Enabled’ selection to disable the Sniping Tool inwards Windows 10.

This GPO prevents the snipping tool from running. If you lot enable this policy setting, the Snipping Tool volition non run. If you lot disable this policy setting, the Snipping Tool volition run. If you lot practice non configure this policy setting, the Snipping Tool volition run.

To enable the Snipping Tool again, choose Not Configured as well as hence click Apply button.

Read: Snipping Tool Tips & Tricks.

Using Registry Editor or REGEDIT

Run regedit to opened upward the Registry Editor as well as navigate to the next key:


 Most users role this application for capturing screenshots How to Enable or Disable Snipping Tool inwards Windows 10
Double-click on DisableSnippingTool as well as alter its value information from 0 to 1 to disable the Snipping Tool inwards Windows 10. To enable the Snipping Tool again, you lot may alter its value dorsum to 0.

If the TabletPC Key doesn’t exist, you lot volition accept to practice it along amongst the DWORD (32-bit) Value DisableSnippingTool.

Hope this industrial plant for you!

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