Microsoft Edge tab flashing incessantly on Windows 10

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I was browsing a couplet of websites using Microsoft Edge browser, for a change, together with had quite a few tabs open. I noticed that some of the tabs I had opened were flashing or blinking a vivid orangish color. I flora this quite irritating, together with I clicked opened upward the tab which was flashing. The flashing stopped, together with I resumed my browsing. After a while, the tab in ane lawsuit to a greater extent than started flashing inwards orangish color. I in ane lawsuit to a greater extent than clicked on it to opened upward the tab, together with the blinking stopped. This happened amongst iii of the opened upward tabs, together with I had to literally play whack-a-mole game to terminate the irritating flashing!

I was browsing a couplet of websites using  Microsoft Edge tab flashing incessantly on Windows 10

Edge tab flashing continuously

I could no longer acquit it together with changed my browser together with went dorsum to my default one. But this ready me wondering together with I wondered if in that place was a means to disable this Edge tab flashing. Most of us are aware that nosotros tin restrain or turn off the flashing Taskbar buttons, but is in that place a means to disable this Edge annoyance of flashing tabs?

I looked simply about together with flora that unfortunately in that place was none. Many users are reporting this final result when they browse websites YouTube, Yahoo, Gmail, etc. – or fifty-fifty regular blogs for that matter. The website may or may non demand you lot to endure logged inwards – the flashing of tabs may nonetheless occur. Moreover, this has naught to practise amongst Adobe Flash existence turned on or off. The blinking does non terminate but continues incessantly!

The Edge browser tab warning is hard-coded, together with the tab flashed inwards vivid orangish when something on that spider web page changes together with Edge feels the demand to attract user attention.

I flora no means inwards Windows Settings or Edge settings to plough it off.

Some bring reported that opening Control Panel > Ease of Access Center > Use text or visual alternatives for sounds > Unchecking Turn on visual notifications for sounds (Sound Sentry) worked for them, but I am non certain that it genuinely helps.

So till such a fourth dimension that Microsoft makes it slow for users to plough on or off Edge tab blinking, you lot volition either bring to alive amongst it or switch to an alternative browser.

Have you lot e'er noticed your Edge tab flashing? How did you lot bargain amongst it?

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