Desktop icons rearrange and move after reboot in Windows 10

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Several Windows users at about betoken or the other bring experienced the occupation of their Desktop icons rearranging or moving subsequently reboot. If your Desktop icons overstep along jumping, bouncing, moving or rearranging subsequently rebooting on Windows 10 PC, hither are a few things yous tin arrive at notice endeavour to laid upward the problem.

Desktop icons overstep along rearranging or moving

Please become through the listing in addition to determine the monastic say yous may desire to endeavour these suggestions.

1] Right-click on the desktop, choose View. Make certain Auto conform icons is unchecked. Also, uncheck Align icons to grid.

Several Windows users at about betoken or the other bring experienced the occupation of their Des Desktop icons rearrange in addition to movement subsequently reboot inwards Windows 10

2] Open File Explorer in addition to navigate to the next folder. Remember to supervene upon ACK amongst your username.


Several Windows users at about betoken or the other bring experienced the occupation of their Des Desktop icons rearrange in addition to movement subsequently reboot inwards Windows 10

Copy-paste the address inwards the address bar in addition to hitting Enter. In the Local folder, yous volition encounter a “Hidden” IconCache.db file. Delete it. Now conform your icons on your desktop in addition to restart your estimator in addition to encounter if it has helped.

3] Make certain that yous bring updated your video or graphics drivers to the latest available version from the manufacturer's website.

4] Change your Screen Resolution in addition to encounter if it helps. Right-click on the desktop in addition to choose Display resolution. The System Settings window volition popular up.

Several Windows users at about betoken or the other bring experienced the occupation of their Des Desktop icons rearrange in addition to movement subsequently reboot inwards Windows 10

Here banking concern fit if yous bring laid the Resolution to the Recommended figure.

Also banking concern fit if Change the size of text, app, in addition to other items to laid to the Recommended figure. If it shows 125%, laid it to 100% in addition to encounter if that helps.

5] Prevent themes from changing icons. To create this, from the Control Panel, opened upward Desktop Icon Settings box. Uncheck Allow themes to alter desktop icons, click Apply in addition to exit.

Several Windows users at about betoken or the other bring experienced the occupation of their Des Desktop icons rearrange in addition to movement subsequently reboot inwards Windows 10

Does this help?

6] Change Windows Metrics – Icon Spacing in addition to see. You volition bring to edit the Registry for this.

7] If null helps, banking concern fit if it happens inwards Clean Boot State in addition to troubleshoot the number yesteryear lawsuit in addition to fault method.

8] You bring 1 other option. Use freeware to lock your icon positions. DesktopOK lets yous save, restore, lock desktop icons position, in addition to layout. It tin arrive at notice tape icon positions in addition to about other desktop arrangements. D-Color is about other tool yous tin arrive at notice purpose to relieve electrical flow icon layout, restore before icon layout, in addition to more.

9] Here'show yous tin arrive at notice Restore desktop icon layout to the master copy seat using Icon Shepherd.

Let us know what, if anything here, helped yous – or if something else yous did worked for you.

Related reads:

TIP: There are several interesting things yous tin arrive at notice create amongst your desktop icons. You tin arrive at notice resize icons on desktop, display the desktop icons text on the side in addition to quickly enshroud or unhide them.

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