Win.Privacy is a free tool to fix Privacy Issues in Windows 10

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Not every Windows10 user may know this, but your PC is sending unopen to information to Microsoft. Windows 10 is undoubtedly the best operating organisation to date, but it withal has unopen to safety loops. The OS's Privacy Settings exercise allow yous to configure Windows 10 Privacy settings. Plus nosotros get got already taken a await at unopen to Windows 10 Privacy Fixer Tools that assistance yous rapidly tweak the privacy settings. Today nosotros volition get got a await at unopen to other such tool called Win.Privacy which lets yous disable Windows 10 Telemetry services of your computer.

Win.Privacy Privacy Tool for Windows 10

Win.Privacy, the gratuitous together with unproblematic programme requires no installation together with comes amongst a user-friendly interface together with takes less than a infinitesimal to province on your PC. The mind overview has it all, together with yous demand no technical know-how to utilization the tool. You tin flaming ready the privacy issues amongst simply a unmarried click or a button.

Using the tool is simple. You simply demand to download the nada file of Win. Privacy and run the setup. Launch the programme together with click on the clitoris ‘Fix Privacy Issues’ together with balance is taken attention past times the tool.

But it is of import to become through the settings source together with thus that yous are aware of the changes the tool volition brand to your system.

 but your PC is sending unopen to information to Microsoft Win.Privacy is a gratuitous tool to ready Privacy Issues inwards Windows 10

The tool automatically creates a system restore point before starting amongst the fix. So yous tin flaming undo the changes together with restore the previous configuration of your PC. There is also a log column inwards the mind overview which shows all your steps performed inwards the tool, correct from the launch to the fix.

How Win.Privacy works

  • Creates a organisation restore point.
  • Disables together with deletes ‘dmwappush’ together with ‘DiagTrack’.
  • Modifies the Hosts file inwards Windows together with blocks the information sent to Microsoft thereby fixing your privacy issues.
  • The tool also helps inwards disabling the hibernate function, place service, Cortana together with Windows Error Reporting.
  • Uninstalls the pre-installed apps on your PC.
  • Disable unwanted Windows 10 services.

The tool also lets you:

  1. Disable Windows Update Service.
  2. Disable Location.
  3. Disable Hibernate.
  4. Set Diagnostic together with Usage Data to “basic”.
  5. Block Windows Telemetry IPs.
  6. Disable Cortana.
  7. Disable Windows Error Reporting.
  8. Disable Windows 10 Services.

The programme also comes amongst unopen to extra tool similar System Information, Task Manager, Email Client, Text Encryption together with Website Blocker. Click on Extra Tools tab to utilization them.

The other options inwards the tool include-

Undo Changes– where yous tin flaming undo the changes made past times the tool together with revert to previous settings.  but your PC is sending unopen to information to Microsoft Win.Privacy is a gratuitous tool to ready Privacy Issues inwards Windows 10

Manage Windows 10 Metro Apps– where yous tin flaming uninstall the apps pre-installed on your Windows 10 PC.  but your PC is sending unopen to information to Microsoft Win.Privacy is a gratuitous tool to ready Privacy Issues inwards Windows 10

Windows 10 Services– Here yous tin flaming disable or enable the Windows services on your PC.  but your PC is sending unopen to information to Microsoft Win.Privacy is a gratuitous tool to ready Privacy Issues inwards Windows 10

Overall, Win.Privacy is a unproblematic together with useful tool which lets yous ready your privacy issues on your Windows 10 PC. However, the tool lacks the proper information on which fixes to apply together with which non – at that topographic point should locomote a assistance file to understand the consequences of the fixes.

There are ii ‘readme' text files which assistance users agreement the tool well. The extra tools together with other features makes Win.Privacy more  useful. Visit to download it. – but every bit nosotros mentioned earlier, cheque the changes it makes together with exclusively allow it to brand the changes yous desire it to. If yous exercise non similar the changes made, yous may become dorsum o the created organisation restore point.

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