What is Domain Hijacking and how to recover a stolen domain name

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Do you lot run or maintain a website? If so, you lot must stimulate got heard the term – Domain Hijacking. With contest taking over the marketplace these days, protecting your businesses identity is a must. And domains are ane of the most vulnerable property these days. This post is all you lot postulate to know virtually Domain Hijacking, how to forbid it together with how to recover a stolen domain name

What is Domain Hijacking

Domain Hijacking is a shape of theft where the aggressor takes access of a domain advert without the consent of the master registrant. Hijacking tin come about due to safety flaws on your terminate or the terminate of your domain/hosting company.

 With contest taking over the marketplace these days What is Domain Hijacking together with how to recover a stolen domain name

How is it done

These days businesses are coming online, together with their spider web properties are a major property to companies. Hacking into someone’s website is almost equivalent to depriving them of their profits together with earnings. So that is why hackers prefer to hijack domains together with deprive a companionship of its mesh identity.

One argue that tin drive your domain advert to hold upwardly hijacked could hold upwardly your negligence towards security. Once, you’ve registered a novel domain; the provider gives you lot access to the domain’s Control Panel. This panel lets you lot modify your domain’s settings that betoken to the master server. And spell you lot created your account, you lot must stimulate got provided an electronic mail address that volition stimulate got administrative access. If the hacker tin access this administrative electronic mail account, he tin also stimulate got command over the domain’s command panel together with eventually all the settings. Hackers ordinarily obtain your electronic mail together with other information from the WHOIS information records.

The other argue could hold upwardly due to safety issues amongst your domain provider. If the hacker has access to back-end services provided past times your Registrar, together with then in all probability your domain is at run a jeopardy of getting hijacked. So, it is suggested to select a proficient trusted domain provider.

There could hold upwardly a 3rd argue every bit well. Your domain registration expired, together with you lot stimulate got disabled auto-renewal. Someone may register your domain inward the meantime together with you lot volition hold upwardly left amongst nothing. You cannot stimulate got whatsoever actions on the hijacker every bit his/her actions are completely legal. So to avoid this from happening, you lot stimulate got to brand certain you’ve enabled auto-renewal on your domain names together with register domains for longer durations.

What are hijacked domains used for

Malicious use

Why are websites hacked? What precisely does a domain hijacker produce this? Usually, the hijacked domains choke inaccessible, together with if the website was a source of income, you’ve started losing your coin every bit good your online identity. The hacker may need coin from you lot to transfer the domain advert dorsum to you. Or the hijacker mightiness supervene upon your website amongst or so other like looking website together with misuse it for Phishing or other malicious activity. This mightiness fool your users together with atomic number 82 them to larn inward their sensitive credentials on a imitation website.

Domain Transfer

The hacker may transfer the domain’s ownership to or so other name. In this case, it is rattling hard inward fact almost impossible to larn your domain back. The hacker may impersonate you lot together with asking the domain provider to transfer the domain to or so other concern human relationship or only dissimilar domain provider. This is a rattling hard scenario every bit you lot may postulate legal assistance here. Also, if you lot are non able to convince the domain provider virtually your situation, the companionship may turn down to cooperate.

How to forbid Domain Hijacking

Prevention is the cure! The starting fourth dimension footstep inward ensuring your domain’s safety is choosing a good trusted domain provider. Make certain your domain registrar is inward the listing of ICANN accredited registrars. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 consummate listing tin hold upwardly institute here.

Now in ane lawsuit you’ve registered together with created your account, ensure a strong together with unique password to your Control Panel every bit good every bit your associated Email account. Also, follow or so mutual steps towards maintaining the safety of your electronic mail account.

Not but domains, if the hacker has access to your electronic mail account, he/she tin practically hit into whatsoever of your accounts. Make certain you’ve reviewed your email safety settings recently. Enable safety features such every bit two-factor authentication together with sign inward alerts to remain secure. The best means to protect a domain is past times protecting the administrator electronic mail address associated amongst it.

You tin also opt for WHOIS privacy, a service offered past times many domain providers. If you’ve purchased this service together with then the domain registrar volition shroud or modify your WHOIS data, so, that the hacker does non larn your existent details together with the existent administrative electronic mail address.

How to recover hijacked or stolen Domain name

The starting fourth dimension footstep involved inward recovering the domain is past times contacting your domain registrar. Call the back upwardly squad together with explicate them the entire situation. Give them relevant details together with consummate whatsoever required paperwork. In or so cases, the registrar itself is of no help. As the domain has already been transferred to or so other registrar together with that besides in all probability inward or so other country. So, at that spot is no other means out together with then getting legal help. Most of the registrars offering 24/7 telephone vociferation upwardly service support; you lot should choke along this inward heed spell choosing a registrar.

The other option is to contact ICANN Registrar. What is ICANN?

To hit or so other someone on the Internet you lot stimulate got to type an address into your figurer — a advert or a number. That address must hold upwardly unique so computers know where to discovery each other. ICANN coordinates these unique identifiers across the world. Without that coordination, nosotros wouldn't stimulate got ane global Internet.

 With contest taking over the marketplace these days What is Domain Hijacking together with how to recover a stolen domain name

ICANN has a split upwardly documentation on domain dispute resolutions. Here is the link to their help page. Read the documentation carefully together with follow the steps together with it may assistance you lot recover your hijacked domain. Also, it is advised to select an ICANN accredited domain registrar to stimulate got whatsoever such benefits.


Recovering a stolen domain advert is non ever an tardily job, together with it is thence imperative that you lot maintain adequate website security. If you lot are treatment your company’s websites yourself, you lot postulate to hold upwardly protected from whatsoever shape of website hijacking together with theft. There’ve been many cases where the website owners were forced to modify their domain names every bit they were left out amongst no other option together with legal assistance was means besides expensive. So, to avoid whatsoever such circumstances, you lot should choke along your Control Panel & electronic mail concern human relationship password secured together with enable Domain Privacy Protection.

Now read: What is DNS Hijacking?

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