Have some fun with KeyPrank for Windows

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A prank is defined equally a mischevious human action that nosotros all honey doing until nosotros are at the receiving end, right?? Although the human action causes perplexity, confusion or discomfort pulling a prank in 1 lawsuit inwards a field tin receive got its benefits. Here’s a clever prank for you: Make your victim’s estimator type the discussion “SPACE” every fourth dimension they press the infinite bar key. Try Space KeyPrank for Windows!

How to purpose KeyPrank

A prank is defined equally a mischevious human action that nosotros all honey doing until nosotros are at the receivi Have or in addition to then fun amongst KeyPrank for Windows

KeyPrank for Windows requires no installation. Once the download is complete, the programme tin hold upwards made to run on the estimator you lot desire to play the prank on. It silently runs inwards the background of the estimator system, swapping keyboard keys equally they are pressed.

With the Space Key Prank installed on a organization I bet, your friends volition detect it difficult to figure out the prank. How does it work? It causes the spacebar on a victim’s estimator keyboard to type out the characters ‘SPACE’ instead of the normal infinite character.

As seen inwards the icon above, you lot tin notice that when I type something in addition to striking infinite button, the text ‘Space‘ is added automatically to the trouble of text.

An of import characteristic nearly KeyPrank is that it allows a user to run to a greater extent than than 1 instance at once. So, inwards add-on to the Space prank, you lot tin play Vowel, Alphabet (ABCDE) in addition to LOL pranks.

How to halt KeyPrank

This requires no efforts. Simply restart your estimator to deactivate the feature. Alternatively, you lot tin purpose Ctrl+Alt+Del to access Task Manager, locate the procedure in addition to select Stop KeyPrank Processes.

Please Federal Reserve annotation that the tool industrial plant exclusively on Desktop in addition to laptops. Smartphone or tablet version of it is non available yet.

In curt Space KeyPrank is a actually fun prank to play on someone, in addition to it exclusively takes minutes, if non seconds to gear upwards it up.

Try it out!

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