DocSend for Outlook – Better communication using documents

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We ofttimes ship numerous documents using Microsoft Outlook. Now brand your communication to a greater extent than effective amongst documents amongst an plus for Outlook, ‘DocSend’. DocSend for Outlook makes documents a to a greater extent than effective in addition to to a greater extent than meaningful channel for communication. After you lot install it, you’ll hold out able to access your files in addition to easily create DocSend links correct when you lot demand to most, i.e. when you’re sending an email. However, there’s to a greater extent than to DocSend for Outlook than simply sending documents in addition to attachments. Read on to know close this novel add-in for Microsoft Outlook.

DocSend for Outlook

Let’s rootage amongst the basics. DocSend is non a novel app; its been hither for around fourth dimension now. However, DocSend every bit an add-in for Outlook is a novel thing. It is originally an analytical tool for documents; peculiarly for the ones you lot ship through emails. We ofttimes wonder when nosotros ship a document through email; whether the someone has seen the document or not. Besides; for confidential documents nosotros worry farther if the recipient of the document has forwarded it further. With the aid of DocSend you lot tin know what happens to your document. From knowing when the someone opened it, how many times, whether it was downloaded or non in addition to whether it was forwarded to someone; you lot tin drib dead on a rails of everything using DocSend.

Now, this tool is available for Outlook Mail. DocSend for Outlook does the same piece of work when used every bit an add-in for Outlook Mail. It links your DocSend work concern human relationship to the Outlook Mail thence every bit to brand the document communication easier.

To instruct DocSend for Outlook, all you lot lead maintain you lot practise is see its domicile page to download it free. It’s a web-app, which opens inward your browser. Simply sign-up amongst the tool.

 Now brand your communication to a greater extent than effective amongst documents amongst an add together DocSend for Outlook – Better communication using documents

You tin forthwith link the documents from your PC, Box, Dropbox,Google Drive in addition to OneDrive on DocSend for Outlook.

 Now brand your communication to a greater extent than effective amongst documents amongst an add together DocSend for Outlook – Better communication using documents

Inside DocSend for Outlook

Now, fiddling to a greater extent than close the DocSend tool. Once you lot log into DocSend, you lot tin run across next dashboard.

 Now brand your communication to a greater extent than effective amongst documents amongst an add together DocSend for Outlook – Better communication using documents

The left side card of the DocSend tool consists of tabs of Dashboard, Documents, Present, Contacts, Team in addition to Add-ins.

 Now brand your communication to a greater extent than effective amongst documents amongst an add together DocSend for Outlook – Better communication using documents

DocSend functions quite similar whatever other document sharing tool. It creates links for each document you lot are sharing amongst your contacts. You tin fifty-fifty create dissimilar links for a unmarried document to drib dead on a rails of your document. Every fourth dimension your recipient clicks on the link, you lot volition instruct the statistics close the document.  For example, the Visit Stats is shown inward the next image:

 Now brand your communication to a greater extent than effective amongst documents amongst an add together DocSend for Outlook – Better communication using documents

How to exercise DocSend for Outlook

Since nosotros lead maintain understood how DocSend works, forthwith let’s expect at how DocSend plant for Outlook Mail.

When you lot lead maintain signed-up amongst DocSend, you lot tin run across the add-in inward your Outlook Mail. Click on New mail, in addition to expect at the right-hand side bottom of the newly opened post window. Look for next icon inward blue.

 Now brand your communication to a greater extent than effective amongst documents amongst an add together DocSend for Outlook – Better communication using documents

When you lot click on this logo, the DocSend window volition opened upward on the right-hand side of the email. As you lot tin run across inward the next image, at that spot are diverse tabs/ functions included nether DocSend for Outlook.

 Now brand your communication to a greater extent than effective amongst documents amongst an add together DocSend for Outlook – Better communication using documents

You tin run across the documents which are already acquaint on DocSend nether ‘My Documents’. In the higher upward image, I lead maintain included alone iii documents. However, if the listing is long, you lot tin search for the desired document inward the Search window.  You tin fifty-fifty upload a document in addition to thence in addition to at that spot using DocSend for Outlook if the desired document is non acquaint inward your list.

 Now brand your communication to a greater extent than effective amongst documents amongst an add together DocSend for Outlook – Better communication using documents

Once you lot pick out the desired document that you lot wish to ship to your colleague or friend, you lot tin rootage setting its properties. When you lot pick out a document for sending through email, you lot tin run across next window inward DocSend for Outlook.

 Now brand your communication to a greater extent than effective amongst documents amongst an add together DocSend for Outlook – Better communication using documents

As you lot tin run across inward the higher upward image, for every selected document you lot can,

  • Allow (or non allow) anonymous viewing
  • Allow (or non allow) downloading
  • Set (or non set) expiration date
  • Passcode protect (or non laid a password for the document)

Each of the iv tabs has On in addition to Off buttons on the right. This way, you lot tin create upward one's hear (and control) what the recipient tin practise amongst the document. For example, if you lot pick out ‘Off’ for ‘Allow Downloading’, the recipient volition alone hold out able to stance the document, but can’t download it on his PC. Similarly, you lot tin also laid an expiration engagement for the document, yesteryear making the ‘Set expiration date’ selection ‘On’.

 Now brand your communication to a greater extent than effective amongst documents amongst an add together DocSend for Outlook – Better communication using documents

Thus, DocSend for Outlook lets you lot pick out till when the recipient tin run across the document inward his mailbox. After the expiration engagement (and time), the recipient won’t run across the document at all. This characteristic is really useful for the documents which lead maintain a express life, such every bit daily reports or stats.

If your document is non password protected, worry not! You tin forthwith laid a password using DocSend for Outlook. Simply, click on On/Off push clit inward forepart of ‘Passcode protect’ in addition to you lot tin insert the password in addition to thence in addition to there.

 Now brand your communication to a greater extent than effective amongst documents amongst an add together DocSend for Outlook – Better communication using documents

Finally, i time you lot lead maintain selected all options in addition to laid the properties for the document to hold out sent, you lot tin forthwith insert a link for the document. This is zip but DocSend for Outlook creates a unique link for the document you lot are going to send. This volition hold out inserted into the electronic mail body.

 Now brand your communication to a greater extent than effective amongst documents amongst an add together DocSend for Outlook – Better communication using documents

The recipient volition run across this link inward the received email, instead of the document itself. When the recipient clicks on the link, it opens inward the browser. From there, the recipient tin either view, download or impress the document, depending on what access is provided to the recipient yesteryear you. The window looks every bit follows:

 Now brand your communication to a greater extent than effective amongst documents amongst an add together DocSend for Outlook – Better communication using documents

Apart from the regular actions, DocSend for Outlook offers i to a greater extent than interesting feature. The recipient tin comment or inquire questions based on the document through DocSend for Outlook.

 Now brand your communication to a greater extent than effective amongst documents amongst an add together DocSend for Outlook – Better communication using documents


We holler upward that DocSend for Outlook is a expert tool for managing the documents. Most of the hassles related to documents, such every bit sending them, protecting them using passwords in addition to managing the recipients’ listing tin hold out tackled good amongst DocSend for Outlook. You tin read the spider web log on DocSend for Outlook on the DocSend Blog.

Let us know your lead maintain on this tool.

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