Microsoft Support may have a tough time handling Windows 10 help requests now

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Will Microsoft Support live able to grapple upwards amongst the deluge of help requests that may come upwards up, after offering Windows 10 equally a Recommended Update? Suddenly you lot may take away hold a lot of computers upgraded to Windows 10 – most successfully, but roughly bricked or amongst problems maybe.

Microsoft has instantly decided to force Windows 10 equally a recommended upgrade. Offering Windows 10 equally a Recommended Update is expected to force Windows 10 adoption faster, since most users already take away hold this option  checked inward Windows Update settings.

 live able to grapple upwards amongst the deluge of help requests that may come upwards up Microsoft Support may take away hold a tough fourth dimension treatment Windows 10 assist requests now

While for most, including myself, the Windows 10 Upgrade has been a smoothen affair, for many it has bricked their laptops or caused problems & issues. What volition laissez passer on off now, after it is pushed equally a Recommended Update to Windows 8.1/7 users? You discovery issues all over the Internet forums maxim that the Windows 10 upgrade created problems for them.

Seriously, hither is a guy whose upgrade is stuck, as well as he is asked to create clean install Windows 10 using the Media Creation Tool. Isn’t it a lilliputian equally good much to expected from a regular John or Jane figurer user? I mean, isn’t it unfair to expect a regular domicile user who cannot opened upwards roughly file types, to open CMD or PowerShell as well as Run SFC, DISM as well as finally if all fails to install Windows 10 using the Media Creation tool? Sure a geek may live able to produce it, but a regular domicile user!?

Many a times, the enquiry is non either presented properly or if it is, as well as hence it is non understood properly – and then then the users is directed to roughly KB article which an average figurer user finds equally good technical to understand.

A user Slain said:

I also posted a detailed transportation service describing my occupation on their community site here: If you lot run across their replies/suggestions you lot volition run across my frustration equally they seem to take away hold a occupation agreement basic English!

At times threads are abandoned past times the Microsoft Support Staff, after an initial travail to help. Take a aspect at this thread on Microsoft Answers to run across how the conversation goes.

Another example. See the wrong data given here as well as how the Microsoft Support Engineer abandoned it subsequently.

So what does the mutual user who expects the upgrade to expire smoothly produce when he faces issues? If the user were to bring their laptop to their local figurer technician to laid it – if the tech back upwards is non aware of the resultant or solution, the suggestion is to reformat the figurer inward most cases. And that’s an selection most produce non want!

Useful link: How to instruct Help inward Windows 10.

Windows 10 update bricked my Computer

The most tragic business office is, if the upgrade bricks their laptop. By bricking, I hateful that the computers, laptops etc. running Windows 10 halt responding – either during the upgrade or after upgrade. The reasons could live several.

Even inward cases where people opt to expire dorsum to their previous versions from Windows 10, the laptops instruct unusable inward for certain cases. People are non live able to login, can’t connect to Internet, etc. And inward worst cases, it is a bricked laptop – that does nothing, no affair what you lot try!

Clean installing the operating organization seems to live the solely selection for a Windows 10 bricked laptop. And since Windows 10 instantly accepts Windows vii as well as Windows 8 licenses, it should non live a occupation to select the OS you lot desire as well as create clean install it.

The most mutual crusade is said to live incompatible hardware drivers. For example, if a display driver is non supported, you lot can’t produce anything except to reinstall the operating organization you lot were using prior to upgrades. Though it is almost a year, quite a number of hardware drivers are nonetheless to live incorporated into the setup for Windows 10 past times Microsoft. This lack of compatible drivers oft leads to a bricked laptop.

Windows 10 does includes a attain of drivers inward installation software, but the number is quite depression compared to the attain of hardware available inward market.

Besides merely the drivers, roughly of the laptops are quite one-time as well as can’t run Windows 10. And amongst Microsoft making Windows 10 a recommended upgrade, things are going to instruct worse.

If the laptop is non supported past times Windows 10, basically the Windows 10 upgrade was non meant to live offered to you. Problems arise when you lot purpose the Media Creation Tool to install it. It is amend to purchase a novel laptop, transfer your existing installation to the novel ane if it is non already Windows 10 as well as and hence upgrading to Windows 10 – earlier July 2016 if you lot desire a gratis upgrade.

Does that hateful Windows 10 is solely for laptops that are 2-3 old? What well-nigh custom computers? Did Microsoft holler back well-nigh them piece devising the upgrade plans for Windows 10? If not, why does it tell that – if you lot tin run Windows 8.1 or Windows 7, you lot tin run Windows 10 without problems? It does non seem truthful exactly, given the grievances of users.

Reading all the distress comments could brand ane weep! And its non merely my site – you lot should run across the comments on Microsoft Answers as well as other forums too, asking for help.

    1. SpokanePatriot says Upgraded win7 to ten. Program lockup for xix hours. No agency out
    2. Kelly C Douglas said: Tried to download windows 10. Said it was done. I logged into desk transcend as well as and hence shroud keeps flashing. Won’t permit me click on anything. I ran the organization diagnostics as well as my figurer was to a greater extent than than laid for upgrade. Computer is solely 11/2 yrs old. Someone delight help. I can’t purpose my computer
    3. A reply to the higher upwards comment past times Grace Hill says: Got the same problem. Computer is instantly useless. My desktop won’t come upwards all the agency up. Screen is flashing as well as figurer overheats
    4. Jared Van Bergen says: My upgrade install ran smoothly until 97%, when a blueish shroud amongst a distressing human face upwards appeared, the PC restarted as well as is instantly continuously restarting, showing the windows logo, as well as restarting again, essentially bricking machine. Seriously unhappy right now… 🙁
    5. According to Joanne Evans: Trying to install Windows 10 on my sons computer. It downloads, begins installation, reboots, comes upwards amongst a dark shroud amongst a blueish windows icon as well as nothing. That is equally far equally it goes. I left it all nighttime lastly nighttime as well as this forenoon it was just the same
    6. Here is a Reditt user asking for help: The gratis upgrade to Windows 10 bricked my computer. During installation of Windows 10 (from Windows 7), the programme crashed as well as I was forced to restart my computer. Now, each fourth dimension my figurer starts, Windows attempts to boot, fails, as well as hence sends me to Launch Startup Repair, which also fails, upon which my keyboard as well as mouse instruct totally unresponsive as well as the figurer completely freezes. I take away hold been attempting to operate amongst client back upwards for over 8 hours as well as counting instantly as well as take away hold nonetheless to have whatever advice beyond “buy a novel re-create of Windows”.
    7. Escaper Two on Bleeping Computer says: I take away hold a Lenovo y50 computer, non fifty-fifty a twelvemonth old, that used to live running windows 8.1. I started my Windows 10 update today, but when it was 20% consummate my figurer merely blacked out. Pressing the ability clitoris does goose egg now, as well as plugging it inward doesn’t plow on the lights. Anyone know what the occupation is as well as what I tin do?
    8. Gilles says: I upgraded from windows 7, all went smoothen to the icon of the beach past times the cliff. Then, it’s all got frozen. The solely activeness I tin produce is forcing the shutdown. Bios industrial plant fine, W10 industrial plant when prophylactic agency is enabled. So it’s definitely non a hardware issue. Did the upgrade twice, reset the pc, everything. To no avail.
    9. anmol_gill says: Still waiting..stuck at 97 % .Hopefully dont take away hold to hold off till 24 hrs.

These are merely a few of the thousands of complaints all over the Internet. Many take away hold claimed that fifty-fifty after using a stable build, Windows 10 bricked their laptop. And since Microsoft has instantly made Windows 10, a recommended upgrade, the problems as well as assist requests could good increase.

Read: How to avoid upgrading to Windows 10.

While the Microsoft MVPs, Community Stars as well as the regular army of volunteers produce a cracking labor at addressing issues, Microsoft needs to beef upwards as well as appoint a sold Support staff, who volition live able to bring the occupation head-on, by the neckband as well as assist poor users solve their issues. Allocate threads to Support Staff as well as ensure that they are taken to their logical conclusion. If they experience unable to solve it, escalate it to higher engineers as well as most of import of all, don’t rest soundless but enjoin the user that his or her occupation is specifically beingness looked at. He or she should non experience abandoned.

Microsoft owes this to its loyal Windows customers!

How has your experience been?

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