How to disable Internet Explorer End-Of-Life upgrade notification

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It was inwards the Nov of 2015 that Microsoft had announced that it would hold upwards stopping back upwards for Internet Explorer 10, IE9 as well as IE8 starting twelfth Jan 2016. Starting that day, users of these out-dated versions of Internet Explorer volition showtime receiving notifications, bespeak them to upgrade their browser to the latest version, namely Internet Explorer 11. This notification volition hold upwards delivered via a cumulative safety update KB3123303 that volition hold upwards released shortly.

If you lot create not, for or thence reason, conception to upgrade as well as these notifications irritate you, thence Microsoft has documented a physical care for that volition let you lot to disable or plough off these Internet Explorer End-Of-Life upgrade notifications.

Disable Internet Explorer End-Of-Life upgrade notification

First, banking corporation fit if you lot are running a x64-based or x86 based system.

Once you lot know whether you lot are using a 32-bit or 64-bit system, Run regedit to opened upwards the Registry Editor.

 it would hold upwards stopping back upwards for Internet Explorer  How to disable Internet Explorer End-Of-Life upgrade notification

If you lot are using a 64-bit computer, navigate to the next registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl

Right-click FeatureControl, indicate to New, as well as thence click Key.

Enter FEATURE_DISABLE_IE11_SECURITY_EOL_NOTIFICATION, as well as thence press Enter to mention the novel key.

Now right-click FEATURE_DISABLE_IE11_SECURITY_EOL_NOTIFICATION, indicate to New, as well as thence click DWORD (32-bit) Value. Enter iexplore.exe, as well as thence press Enter to mention the novel value.

Finally, right-click iexplore.exe, as well as thence click Modify. In the Value information box, larn inwards 00000001, as well as thence click OK.

Having done this, locate the next subkey:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl

Right-click FeatureControl, indicate to New, as well as thence click Key.

Enter FEATURE_DISABLE_IE11_SECURITY_EOL_NOTIFICATION, as well as thence press Enter to mention the novel key.

Now right-click FEATURE_DISABLE_IE11_SECURITY_EOL_NOTIFICATION, indicate to New, as well as thence click DWORD (32-bit) Value. Enter iexplore.exe, as well as thence press Enter to mention the novel value.

Finally, right-click iexplore.exe, as well as thence click Modify. In the Value information box, larn inwards 00000001, as well as thence click OK.

If you lot are using a 32-bit computer, navigate to the next registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl

Right-click FeatureControl, indicate to New, as well as thence click Key.

Enter FEATURE_DISABLE_IE11_SECURITY_EOL_NOTIFICATION, as well as thence press Enter to mention the novel key.

Now right-click FEATURE_DISABLE_IE11_SECURITY_EOL_NOTIFICATION, indicate to New, as well as thence click DWORD (32-bit) Value. Enter iexplore.exe, as well as thence press Enter to mention the novel value.

Finally, right-click iexplore.exe, as well as thence click Modify. In the Value information box, larn inwards 1, as well as thence click OK.

That is all you lot demand to create for x86 systems.

Exit Registry Editor, as well as thence restart Internet Explorer.

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