Auto archive your old items in Microsoft Outlook on Windows 10

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If you lot convey used Microsoft Outlook on your Windows PC, you lot may convey of a precipitous come upwards across a pop-up upwards yell for if you lot wanted to archive your quondam items. While Outlook volition remind you lot periodically to create so, inwards this post, nosotros volition run across how tin Auto archive your quondam items similar email, tasks, notes, contacts, etc., inwards Microsoft Outlook 2016/2013/2010/2007 to ameliorate Outlook functioning inwards Windows 10/8/7, on demand.

 you lot may convey of a precipitous come upwards across a popular Auto archive your quondam items inwards Microsoft Outlook on Windows 10

AutoArchive characteristic of Outlook helps cope the infinite inwards your mailbox or on the e-mail server that you lot are using past times automatically archiving as well as moving quondam items to the next place as well as storing it inwards .pst format:

C:\Users\UserName\Documents\Outlook Files\archive.pst

While you lot tin ever manually transfer quondam items to a storage file past times clicking Archive on the File menu, you lot tin likewise convey quondam items automatically transferred past times using the AutoArchive feature.

Auto archive quondam items inwards Outlook

To create this, opened upwards Outlook as well as click on File > Options to become the next window. Next click on Advanced inwards the left side.

 you lot may convey of a precipitous come upwards across a popular Auto archive your quondam items inwards Microsoft Outlook on Windows 10

Here you lot volition run across a setting AutoArchive. Click on AutoArchive Settings push to opened upwards the next window.

 you lot may convey of a precipitous come upwards across a popular Auto archive your quondam items inwards Microsoft Outlook on Windows 10

To plough on or plough off Auto Archive inwards Outlook, you lot volition convey to cheque or uncheck the Run AutoArchive every … days check-box.

Here you lot volition likewise hold upwards able to alter the Outlook Auto Archive settings to arrange your preferences.

You can:

  • Select how ofttimes AutoArchive runs
  • If you lot desire to hold upwards prompted first
  • Decide the aging period
  • Whether you lot desire to delete quondam items or motion them
  • And as well as then on.

Once you lot convey ready them, click OK as well as exit.

The default aging current for each of the items is equally follows, precisely you lot tin always change it:

Folder Aging period
Inbox as well as Drafts 6 months
Sent Items as well as Deleted Items 2 months
Outbox 3 months
Calendar 6 months
Tasks 6 months
Notes 6 months
Journal 6 months

Archiving quondam items volition likewise assist speed upwards & ameliorate the functioning of Outlook.

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