Useful Twitter Search tips and tricks guide for beginners

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Twitter is i of the most pop social networks in addition to micro-blogging platforms out there, which reportedly has 320m monthly active users in addition to to a greater extent than than 1B monthly unique visitors. Twitter is e'er developing itself through diverse novel features in addition to options. If y'all are an avid Twitter user in addition to desire to explore this platform to a greater extent than to croak most out of this, hither is a swell solution for you.

Twitter Search tips in addition to tricks

Twitter is i of the most pop social networks in addition to micro Useful Twitter Search tips in addition to tricks conduct for beginners

The Twitter Search Box is i of the best search boxes for a social network. It provides in addition to thence many options to detect a item thing quickly. Therefore, hither are few Twitter search tips in addition to tricks in addition to thence that y'all tin detect something rapidly in addition to without wasting time.

1] Until Command

This is a pop search term, which volition allow y'all search for tweets those were tweeted earlier a specific time. For instance, y'all desire to banking concern fit all the tweets of someone those were tweeted earlier 31/12/2014. For that, simply motility into the next search term,

from:@thewindowsclub until:2014-12-31

This volition allow deal y'all to croak all the tweets from the twenty-four hours 1 to 31/12/2014. Instead of scrolling downwardly for a long fourth dimension afterwards opening item profile, this is far amend to purpose this tiny term to croak things done faster.

An interesting spider web app called “The Twayback Machine” does precisely same thing. But, it has exclusively i search term. That is

from:@username until:2011-12-31

The engagement needs to hold out changed manually afterwards executing the command.

2] Find Tweets based on retweet

Suppose, y'all desire to know the latest tidings of something that is real trending similar a shot on Twitter. Obviously, y'all volition necessitate to banking concern fit those tweets, which convey been retweeted many times because people retweet something that is trustable. At such moment, if y'all desire to detect something related to Microsoft or Windows or anything else those are retweeted to a greater extent than than fifty times or so, hither is the search term,

Microsoft min_retweets:50

The “Microsoft” is the keyword, in addition to fifty is the break of retweets. You tin gear upwardly it to 100 or anything. But the “min_retweets” term is quite sensitive. Do non modify it.

3] Find Tweets based on Like

Although Twitter replaced Favorite push amongst Like, yet, this next search term is all the same working. If y'all desire to croak about latest in addition to pop tidings those convey been liked past times to a greater extent than than sure enough break of people, simply purpose this next search term,

Microsoft min_faves:50

It volition demo y'all all the tweets related to Microsoft in addition to those are liked past times at to the lowest degree fifty people.

4] Find Tweets based on Location

Whenever something happens somewhere, people croak excited to know to a greater extent than almost that. Twitter volition allow them detect most relevant tweets based on location. You know that Twitter allows users to add together a location inwards the profile in addition to this next search damage volition purpose that location to demo tweets based on location. Just purpose this subsequent term to detect tweets based on location.

Search-keyword near:place-name

For instance,

Diwali near:Mumbai


Attack near:paris

If y'all desire to croak refine location-based tweets, create purpose the next term,

Search-keyword near:place-name within:25mi

The 25mi refers to 25mile. That implies, it volition demo all the tweets those were tweeted nigh the house inside 25 miles.

5] Search icon only

You know that Twitter allows users to upload images. If y'all desire to detect whatever icon instead of text tweet, purpose this next term. It volition exclude all text tweets in addition to demo all the tweets those are containing images.

Search-keyword filter:images

Obviously, this is possible to switch to the icon search on Twitter, but it volition create the whole things faster.

6] Search videos only

Just similar icon search term, in that location is about other term called video search. As the cry defines, it volition allow y'all search for video only. Whenever y'all desire to lookout adult man videos on Twitter, motility into the next command,

Search-keyword filter:videos

7] Search News

This is in all likelihood the most useful ascendancy since Twitter is pop for providing real fast news. No thing what the topic is, but y'all tin easily detect all the latest tidings on Twitter. Therefore, if y'all desire to opened upwardly the tidings search panel of Twitter, it volition allow y'all detect all latest tweets based on a search keyword. This ascendancy is equally follows,

Search-keyword filter:news

8] Find Tweets of item user inwards which someone else is mentioned

Suppose, y'all desire to croak all the tweets of whatever item user inwards which someone else is mentioned. For example, y'all desire to all the tweets of Microsoft, inwards which Windows was mentioned. At such moment, y'all tin elementary purpose this,

from:tweet-writer to:mentioned-user

Just supervene upon tweet-writer with the twitter handgrip of the person, who has tweeted something in addition to supervene upon mentioned-user amongst the Twitter handgrip that is mentioned inwards the tweet. In other words, if y'all motility into the next search term,

from:fourfourtwo to:manutd

You volition croak all the tweets of @FourFourTwo inwards which @ManUtd is mentioned.

9] Search for keyword past times item user

Just similar Google search, y'all tin purpose Twitter search to detect all the tweets of someone, inwards which a item keyword inwards mentioned. For example, y'all desire to croak all tweets of @Microsoft inwards which the term, Windows, is written. For that, y'all convey to purpose this search term,

from:twitter-handle search-keyword

Just supervene upon the twitter-handle amongst the actual Twitter handgrip of someone.

10] Filter tweet using language

Twitter is available inwards English linguistic communication inwards most of the countries. But, if y'all desire to detect tweets inwards other languages, y'all tin brand purpose of this search term,

Search-keyword lang:language-code

For example, y'all desire to detect all Diwali related tweets inwards Hindi. For that, the next search term volition work,

Diwali lang:hi

Here “Hi” is the linguistic communication code of Hindi. You tin detect all codes at here.

11] Find Tweets based on date

The real commencement term helps users to detect tweets based on whatever search interrogation from the engagement of creation to a item date. But, this volition deal y'all to modify the from date. That agency if y'all desire to detect tweets those were tweeted betwixt a item bridge of time, create motility into the next command,

Search-keyword since:start-date until:end-date

For instance, the next ascendancy volition allow y'all detect Diwali related tweets since 01-11-2015 to 15-11-2015,

diwali since:2015-11-02 until:2015-11-15

12] Find links inwards a tweet

If something interesting similar Windows 10 update, novel mobile, etc. is launched, people croak excited to know to a greater extent than almost them. On the other hand, most of the companies tweet tidings on Twitter at first. Therefore, if y'all desire to know to a greater extent than almost anything, y'all must convey to detect links inwards the tweet in addition to thence that y'all tin croak the exact weblog link or weblog postal service link to croak data almost that news. To detect link inwards tweet, create motility into this command,

Search-keyword filter:links

Other complicated Twitter search terms

All those damage mentioned to a higher house are real slow to use. But, y'all tin mix them upwardly to refine the search. For example, y'all tin purpose a term similar this,

Diwali lang:hi near:Mumbai within:10mi

It volition allow y'all detect all tweets related to Diwali those are inwards Hindi in addition to tweeted from Mumbai inside 10 miles.

Microsoft since:2015-11-11 until:2015-11-15 filter:links

This volition allow y'all detect Microsoft related tweets those comprise links in addition to tweeted betwixt 11/11/2015 in addition to 15/11/2015.

These Twitter tips in addition to tricks volition deal y'all croak the best out of the microblogging site – in addition to create retrieve to follow @TheWindowsClub on Twitter.

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