Ultraviolet Index (UVI) on Microsoft Band 2 – FAQ

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UV or Ultra Violet Radiations are known to sweat numerous problems. Although they tin survive used to kill germs in addition to process closed to peel weather condition their risks outweigh the benefits. For instance, they sweat peel aging, sunburns in addition to at worst, Skin cancer. H5N1 tan on your peel is visible proof that your peel has been damaged yesteryear UV rays. It is the reply of your peel to overexposure to UV rays. Prolonged consequence of this tin create Sunburn, also caused yesteryear also many UV rays. Its effects your peel turns ruddy in addition to may larn hot in addition to painful or fifty-fifty keen in addition to blister. Wouldn’t it survive useful to bring a tool capable of alerting you lot near locations where your peel tin survive exposed to UV rays. That’s where Microsoft Band ii let on its strong use.

Microsoft Band ii Ultraviolet Index (UVI)

Microsoft Band 2 has an ultraviolet radiations sensor that has the innate mightiness to periodically mensurate the sum of sunlight your peel is absorbing. In the software you lot tin customize alerts to notify you lot if you’ve been out for also long. The ingenious sensor automatically keeps a rails of how much ultraviolet radiations your trunk is existence exposed to during activities similar workouts similar bicycling, running, or playing a plain sport.

 Although they tin survive used to kill germs in addition to process closed to peel weather condition their risks outwei Ultraviolet Index (UVI) on Microsoft Band ii – FAQ

The band has a UV Tile that features UVI, or Ultra Violet Index. The index measures intensity of UV radiations from the Sun on a scale of 1 to 11, amongst 1 existence depression opportunity in addition to xi existence extreme risk. Although UV rays are non visible rays, you lot tin banking firm check the electrical current UV marker amongst your Microsoft Band. Here’s how:

If you lot are out inwards opened upwards in addition to wearing Microsoft Band ii on your wrist, press the mightiness button.

On the Me Tile, swipe left in addition to tap the UV Tile The UV Tile.

Expose the UV sensor to the Sun in addition to press the activity button. If your Band’s touchscreen is non facing your wrist, only rotate your wrist in addition to hence that the clasp of the Band faces up.

 Although they tin survive used to kill germs in addition to process closed to peel weather condition their risks outwei Ultraviolet Index (UVI) on Microsoft Band ii – FAQ

Once done, the band volition survive programmed to analyze a sample of the UV marker in addition to display a reading (Extreme, Very High, High, Medium, Low, or None). Here’s a nautical chart for your reference.

 Although they tin survive used to kill germs in addition to process closed to peel weather condition their risks outwei Ultraviolet Index (UVI) on Microsoft Band ii – FAQ

Once you lot laid upwards a limit, your Microsoft Band ii detects exposure to UV low-cal in addition to alerts you lot periodically, says Microsoft.

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