Some people stimulate got reported that they are unable to uninstall Asus Smart Gesture driver on Windows 10, since the device driver has been creating issues later on the estimator was upgraded to Windows 10. If you lot are unable to uninstall Asus Smart Gesture driver on Windows 10, thus this postal service volition involvement you.
Cannot uninstall Asus Smart Gesture driver
First encounter if you lot are able to uninstall it from the Control Panel. The entry volition seem every minute Asus Smart Gesture. If not, thus to resolve this issue, Microsoft has made available an automated solution.
When you lot piece of work the package, it volition starting fourth dimension banking corporation tally if your registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ ProductName (REG_SZ) contains Windows 10.
If a work is found, thus these steps are taken to fix the problem. First this ascendancy is run:
Run programme "Powershell.exe" amongst ascendancy work "(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('',$env:temp+'\MicrosoftFixit.ProgramInstallUninstall.FISC.88362328245152847.2.2.Run.exe');".
Finally the next ascendancy is run:
Run programme "%temp%\MicrosoftFixit.ProgramInstallUninstall.FISC.88362328245152847.2.2.Run.exe" amongst ascendancy work "".
You tin laissez passer the sack download it from Microsoft, if you lot are facing this work on your Windows 10 computer. Run the downloaded file every minute Administrator.
Once the driver has been uninstalled, you lot tin laissez passer the sack download the latest driver version from Asus.
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