Is the Leap Second 2015 a danger like Y2K?

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Many information technology companies are dreading over the leap minute 2015. Most of these companies are considering the boundary minute every bit some other Y2K-like bug. However, a recent weblog on MSDN clears the air proverb that boundary minute 2015 that is coming on June 30th is non a severe occupation similar Y2K in addition to it volition last taken attention past times most of the information technology companies similar Microsoft in addition to Google.

Many information technology companies are dreading over the  Is the Leap Second 2015 a danger similar Y2K?

What is Leap Second 2015

The concept behind a boundary minute in addition to a boundary twelvemonth is same. It is basically a one-second adjustment done to the UTC or the Universal Time to gibe the days’ fourth dimension side past times side to the hateful solar time. Sometimes, due to climatic changes or natural events similar earthquake, earth’s rotation varies. This direct affects the hateful solar time. In monastic tell to gibe this irregular time, the boundary seconds of UTC are made irregular in addition to thence they become, slightly unpredictable. In unproblematic words, when the lawsuit similar boundary minute occurs, the UTC system’s clock tin tick a minute at whatsoever time, to accommodate that extra second.

The lawsuit of boundary minute hasn’t appeared for the kickoff time. The end fourth dimension it appeared was the twelvemonth 2012. And this twelvemonth it is going to laissez passer on off on June 30th. The extra minute volition last inserted inward the UTC at 23:59:60. IERS or the International public Rotation Service measures the earth’s rotation in addition to makes sure if it is inward sync amongst UTC. If it is delayed than UTC, so IERS decides when to insert a boundary minute to UTC. Generally, the boundary minute is inserted at the goal of June or Dec in addition to at UTC midnight. This fourth dimension also, it is going to accept house at the goal of June.

Why everyone is worried close the Leap Second 2015

Basically, it is non the Leap minute 2015; but it is the number that this boundary minute mightiness guide maintain on the computers in addition to software that people are worried about. information technology companies are fifty-fifty calling this extra minute every bit the boundary minute bug. As per their prediction, the software bike volition cash inward one's chips haywire due to this extra minute in addition to the plan may response inward an unpredictable way; every bit it mightiness misinterpret the boundary second.

The boundary minute volition look every bit follows:

  1. 2015-06-30 23.59.57
  2. 2015-06-30 23.59.58
  3. 2015-06-30 23.59.59
  4. 2015-06-30 23.59.60 <– boundary second
  5. 2015-07-01 00.00.00

So basically, when the clock completes the 3rd step, it should cash inward one's chips to 5th pace mentioned inward in a higher house list. However, an extra minute is inserted in addition to that makes every bit 1 extra boundary second. And people are worried that the software programs, mesh in addition to computer’s organization clock volition the 4th in addition to 5th pace every bit same in addition to volition overlap the procedures.

Read: How does Windows reckoner react to the extra Leap Second added.

Synchronize the reckoner clock amongst the mesh fourth dimension server

You tin synchronize the reckoner clock amongst the mesh fourth dimension server, every bit follows:

  • Open Date in addition to Time past times clicking the Start push Picture of the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Clock, Language, in addition to Region, in addition to so clicking Date in addition to Time.
  • Click the Internet Time tab, in addition to so click Change settings. Administrator permission required If you’re prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or supply confirmation.
  • Select the banking company check box following to Synchronize amongst an Internet fourth dimension server, select a fourth dimension server, in addition to so click OK.

Microsoft has assured its users that Leap Second 2015 is surely non similar the Y2K põrnikas which had the potential to create a havoc inward the computer’s system.

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