Display executed Programs list with ExecutedProgramsList

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In illustration y'all postulate to analyze your Windows PC inward monastic say to know what applications that has been running on it inward the past, freeware ExecutedProgramsList is a costless tool that volition practise exactly that for you. ExecutedProgramsList is a simple, user-friendly software alongside the aid of which y'all tin analyze the apps in addition to notice out what applications has been running on your system. There is only no expertise required to move this freeware, fifty-fifty a beginner degree user alongside basic noesis of PC tin move this software.

Display Executed Programs List

In illustration y'all postulate to analyze your Windows PC inward monastic say to know what applications that has live Display executed Programs listing alongside ExecutedProgramsList

The basic business office of ExecutedProgramsList freeware is to display the listing of apps in addition to batch files that induce got previously run on your PC. ExecutedProgramsList has many features that tin aid the user to analyze the apps in addition to instruct the most of the information almost the past times applications that had worked on the system. Some of these features are equally follows:

  • Portability: In monastic say to analyze the apps, ExecutedProgramsList tin run from whatsoever folder where it is beingness stored. It does non postulate whatsoever installation in addition to since it is portable it tin easily live carried away anywhere. You tin re-create it to whatsoever device in addition to tin straight run it from in that place to instruct the required information.
  • App Information: As presently equally y'all run ExecutedProgramsList, a listing volition live displayed showing all the applications that had run on the arrangement inward the past times together alongside other information similar file size, attributes in addition to description, production version etc. alongside the appointment when the application was run last
  • Export: Using Find business office y'all tin search for a for sure programme in addition to export it to TXT, CSV, HTML, HTM or XML files, inward monastic say to analyze it later.
  • Report: If required y'all tin practise an HTML written report alongside all the entries inward ExecutedProgramsList listing in addition to therefore that afterward y'all tin run that written report in addition to accept exactly about information from it inward future.

There are server Registry Keys that shop the information almost the programs that were beingness executed on the arrangement previously. These are equally follows-

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\MuiCache
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\MUICache
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Persisted
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Compatibility Assistant\Store

There are 2 ways that tin aid y'all to persuasion the previous programs that was running on your system. First 1 is instruct in addition to banking concern stand upward for Windows Registry in addition to Prefetch information manually in addition to the minute 1 is to move this software ‘ExecutedProgramsList’ to analyze the apps. All y'all postulate to practise is to exactly download the software from its home page, in addition to showtime using it past times running the .exe file. You tin salve or re-create the selected items, persuasion the properties of it in addition to instruct all the related information of each in addition to every applications acquaint inward the list.

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