AVG Crumble Behavior Tracking Blocker Chrome Extension

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People searching ways to avoid beingness tracked, tin dismiss essay latest offering from AVG – AVG Crumble. AVG’s novel Chrome extension puts a destination to online cookie tracking in addition to allows yous to “surf without surveillance”. The browser extension is developed yesteryear the AVG Innovation Labs in addition to is currently inwards the beta stage. However, users tin dismiss inaugural of all testing it.

AVG Crumble for Chrome

Internet Cookies are modest text files, given ID tags that are stored on your computer’s browser directory yesteryear sure enough websites in addition to used for tracking a user’s spider web browsing habits. These tracking cookies are stored yesteryear the supporting websites inwards a corresponding file along amongst whatsoever data yous may bring voluntarily given spell visiting the website exactly to exercise a user profile for getting delivered targeted ads.

The Chrome extension ships amongst a unmarried command switch: the selection to plough the blocking of trackers on or off.

People searching ways to avoid beingness tracked AVG Crumble Behavior Tracking Blocker Chrome Extension

The app too displays the pose out of processed cookies on domains yous are visiting equally a pose out on the extension’s icon. Additional data related to tracking yesteryear trackers is straight displayed inwards an overlay on the covert that vaporizes automatically afterward few seconds time.

People searching ways to avoid beingness tracked AVG Crumble Behavior Tracking Blocker Chrome Extension

The principal features of AVG Crumble are:

  1. Block online tracking – Websites supporting characteristic for tracking cookies neglect to runway yous in addition to so incapable of creating a user profile for delivering targeted ads.
  2. See who’s tracking you – Informs a user who is tracking him on the websites he visits
  3. Always upwards to date – Crumble does non rely on blacklist. Hence, it is ever upwards to date. Rather using a blacklist of trackers, the Chrome extension identifies cookie types in addition to controls what data is sent dorsum to the spider web tracking companies.
  4. No negative visual impact – The app does non pose whatsoever problems when yous watch a website similar breaking the websites or enshroud whatsoever content.
  5. No preferential treatment – Since Crumble avoids the role white lists or blacklists, it does non offering preferential handling to sure enough trackers.

AVG Crumble is a useful extension if yous desire to avoid beingness tracked yesteryear online companies. It volition non intermission your user sense when yous watch your favorite websites nor enshroud whatsoever content. It exactly prevents your activities from beingness tracked.

It is upwards for the grabs at the Chrome Web Store.

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