Password Alert extension for Google Chrome will protect you from phishing attacks

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No affair how rigid our safety settings are, hackers e'er reveal only about agency or the other to intrude inwards our calculator systems in addition to pocket our personal details. Hackers in addition to cybercriminals e'er boot the bucket on finding the innovative ways to lure users to portion their personal details in addition to of import credentials.

Password Alert extension for Google Chrome

No affair how rigid our safety settings are Password Alert extension for Google Chrome volition protect y'all from phishing attacks

Google Chrome presents a novel Chrome extension named Password Alert, which volition warn the users when they come inwards the sign-in details inwards a non-Gmail login page. As the get upwardly itself suggests, Password Alert alerts the users earlier they come inwards their Gmail password anywhere other than

The alarm message states that your Gmail password is exposed to a faux Gmail login page in addition to y'all must reset your password immediately.

The faux Gmail login page, called equally phishing page is genuinely a website run yesteryear the cyber criminals looking to pocket your password. The phishing page rattling much looks similar the criterion Gmail login page in addition to anyone tin hold out fooled easily. Hackers tin easily pocket your password in addition to larn an access to your Gmail job organisation human relationship without your notice.

How Password Alert Works

Once y'all download in addition to install this extension inwards your Chrome browser, it saves a “Scrambled” version of your Google Account password. This extension alerts y'all whenever y'all are near to come inwards your login details inwards a phishing page.

The extension besides plant on Google Apps in addition to Google Drive, in addition to then y'all tin purpose it to secure the Gmail accounts of your employees.

Employers tin install the Password Alert for all its employees’ accounts in addition to larn an alarm when the programme detects whatever safety issue, which farther helps protecting the accounts against hacking attempts in addition to phishing attacks.

Overall, Password Alert is a uncomplicated in addition to useful Chrome extension which tin protects y'all against phishing attacks in addition to sends an alarm every fourth dimension y'all come inwards your login details. You tin larn it here.

Stay safe.

UPDATE: The Password Alert extension for Google Chrome had been bypassed yesteryear a uncomplicated exploit.

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