Manage Cookies of all Browsers in one place with CookieSpy

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Whenever someone opens a website, the server of that website transmits an Internet Cookie to the visitor’s browser. The browser accumulates all the Cookies in addition to post it dorsum to the spider web server of that website every time, whenever that mortal opens the website. This procedure helps the website to know to a greater extent than most visitor in addition to save the users preferences.

There are several types of Cookies. Most of us are aware how to create produce Cookies inwards each browser, similar Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome or Opera. But if you lot are looking for a gratuitous software that volition allow you lot manage Cookies of al your browsers from i interface, so you lot desire to convey a await at CookieSpy.

CookieSpy review

 the server of that website transmits an Internet Cookie to the visitor Manage Cookies of all Browsers inwards i identify alongside CookieSpy

CookieSpy is a gratuitous software which supports Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Google Chrome Canary, Chromium, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla SeaMonkey, Apple Safari, Opera Mini, Pale Moon, Comodo Dragon, Yandex, Maxthon in addition to Maxthon Nitro spider web browsers.

Manage Cookies of all browsers

The user interface of this freeware looks uncluttered. It is thus rattling slow to sympathize all the options. You tin post away run across all the installed  browsers inwards the transcend bill of fare bar. By default, it shows alone those browsers, what you lot convey installed using installers. If you lot convey whatever portable spider web browser on your Windows PC, you lot tin post away add together them too. Portable version of Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Pale Moon, Comodo Dragon in addition to Maxthon3 alone are supported.

You tin post away uncovering all the cookies stored inwards whatever spider web browser alongside the domain name, path, value, death engagement in addition to depository fiscal establishment gibe whether it is secure or not.

 the server of that website transmits an Internet Cookie to the visitor Manage Cookies of all Browsers inwards i identify alongside CookieSpy

If you lot desire to delete whatever especial cookie, exactly correct click on that Cookie in addition to pick out Delete. Alternatively, exactly pick out whatever cookie in addition to striking the Delete button. The Delete All button does, what it says.

Now, hither is a trick. Let’s assume that you lot desire to delete all, except 5 or 4 cookies. At such times, instead of removing i past times one, you lot tin post away only correct click on those 4 or 5 cookies, pick out Protect and so purpose the Delete All option.

 the server of that website transmits an Internet Cookie to the visitor Manage Cookies of all Browsers inwards i identify alongside CookieSpy

This Protect menu volition protect those Cookies from existence deleted.

You tin post away teach to a greater extent than details most it in addition to download it from its home page. The abode page offers ii download links – TechSpot in addition to CNET. You powerfulness live on safer downloading it from TechSpot.

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